Voice of the Martyrs..too Big to Fail?

I can only imagine the stories that are hidden from plain view concerning VOM….they make it a practice to hide the truth from the public, especially their donating public, guarding the vast coffers of money that comes rolling in on a daily basis, like a dog guards a bone. Nothing would surprise me anymore about this corrupt corporation operating under the banner of holy Christendom.  I came across the testimony of this man the other day who exposes more of the cankered underbelly of VOM. If you are a donor of VOM, you really should read this:

A Personal Testimony Regarding Volunteering and Working at VOM

Janna Chan at the ThouArtTheMan blog stated that they would like to hear my story concerning the bizarre behavior of management at Voice of the Martyrs USA and how I was excommunicated for trying to simply do my job well. So here it is, I write it down almost 15 years after my relationship ended with them.

I have followed the controversy closely based on my experience.  I know who went to the police and who Tom White’s victim is.  The father I run into on a pretty regular basis.  So here it is in all the details.    To be honest I am an introvert who would, in my flesh, prefer to stay out of the limelight.  However, my conscience drives me to take a stand where I see evil inside the Church.

The story starts in the mid 90’s when my best friend introduces me to the “ministry” by giving me a fundraising mailer that he had received. I trust his judgment and my heartstrings are pulled by the heartbreaking stories I read about inside. I start donating to them regularly and generously as I request to be added to their mailing list. In 2001, my wife and I decide to make a big change in order to be able to help out a cause I believed in. We contact both VOM and Gospel for Asia (another fraudulent “ministry”) and we propose to move to one of these towns where the headquarters are at and have my wife volunteer for a six-month period of time after I find a job to support us. My heart was to try to serve God in a practical way. VOM bites on the offer and we plan a trip to Bartlesville, OK and we place our house on the market. So, we traveled there and met with some of staff and came to a mutual understanding. Houses in our neighborhood sold on a average of 45 days so we expected this to happen fairly quickly. That is not at all how it worked out. In hindsight that was, I believe, the hand of God trying to keep me from making a major mistake but I did not recognize that at the time.

During this time we saw the first red flag which we foolishly ignored. When we met with them they made it clear that they had an over-the-top no smoking policy. They did not want any employees or even volunteers to be caught outside the building smoking. They did not want any visitors thinking that any smokers were involved in any way with their enterprise, not even as volunteers. In hindsight, this priority of putting image over substance was a clear warning sign, as was redefining sin: not by what the scriptures plainly state as sin but by some other standard not found in the Bible. Smoking was talked about as a great sin, while other more insidious things were never mentioned.

At 90 days we switched realtors and lowered the price on our house, but still nothing. I got impatient thinking this was a hurdle to overcome instead of a stop sign from God. In early September 2001 we decided to jump the gun and went back to Bartlesville to find a house to buy. This was against the advice of the VOM contact who told us maybe this is not God’s plan. They were right, though not for the reason that they thought. We pushed past that because I thought we needed to have a change in our life. So we made the trip, found a house we liked very near where Tom White lived at the time, and signed a sales contract with an unusually long 90 days to close. We figured that our house would surely sell by then and everything would work out. We drove back staying in a motel on the way. We woke up in that motel the next morning and the date was 9/11/01. I started to wonder if I had made a big mistake as the economy sank. Our home still did not sell so we had to change realtors again and leave it vacant as we moved to Bartlesville.

Despite the problems we were having we were optimistic that everything would work out in the end. We got settled in and started looking for work. When we had done everything we could, we started doing some volunteering part-time at VOM. We started working with blankets and met a couple of volunteers who were using their vacation time to help out. They became important friends and contacts for things that happened later. My wife found a job and then we had enough income to get by. I became a regular volunteer spending four hours a day in the office. They eventually moved me into the IT department with my background and education. I became friends with another tech there who would become an important part of my story. He was on salary and had worked their for a few years. I was still looking for full time work but finding absolutely nothing. Eventually the IT manager said that “he had rearranged his budget” and that he had created a 90 day half-time contract job for me. I worked there in the afternoons for three months in the spring. The IT manager then told me he made a request to hire me on full time to the VOM board at their next meeting. They voted down that idea which was disappointing at the time, but later I became very thankful that it happened. I did not need to get more involved with what I later came to the judgment was and is a scam.

I went back to doing some volunteering in the afternoons when I did not have any interviews or job leads to pursue. It was during this time that I stumbled upon the second red flag. My tech friend was showing me the software that they were using to track the Internet websites all the employees in the building were accessing. The accounting manager, who was very geriatric, had numerous gay porn websites that he had just accessed according to the log. The tech went to report this to his manager which was their policy. Instead of dealing with the obvious, I overheard the manager chewing out the tech for allowing a volunteer to see what people in the building were actually doing. He was much more concerned with keeping up false appearances than dealing with the reality of internal sin and waste.

We managed to get by financially, even though our house had been on the market now for over a year without a buyer. But then things got worse when my wife told me that she had been having an affair the day before her birthday and 4 days before mine. Things went south that day and stayed that way. The affair started when she got angry at how things were working out. I believe she was angry at God and by extension me as well. She was not the type of personality that was easily tempted by this kind of sin. She was prone to depression and her mood and behavior became erratic. I met with my pastor for counsel and encouraged my wife to meet with our home fellowship leader’s wife. She did, but the help only appeared to last for one day.

The IT manager at VOM was nice enough to recommend me to another international ministry for some project work. This became the second charity that I would work for in the early 00’s. As soon as this project was started, my wife just disappeared. She left for work as normal one day but never arrived. She had taken nothing with her. All of her belongings and clothes were still in our house. It was now a full year since we had signed the papers to buy this house. I received a phone call a few days later stating that she was at her parents house and that she had changed her mind on her way to work to just drive 1,000 miles and run away from her problems. She never even bothered to call her employer and quit. She returned two months later to file for divorce. My hope for a better life while finding a way to better serve God in practical ways turned into a nightmare.

Some people at VOM were supportive and kind. One, when he learned that my wife was back in town, went to have a talk with her. He tried but it did not change anything. Another worker raised some cash for me at his home fellowship group and dropped it off in a paper bag. It was enough to pay bills I had for a few days. It was a dark time and I experienced the kind of grief people do not understand unless they themselves had been through it. Christmas time had come now in 2002 and the IT Manager called me to come to his office because he had a project for me to do.

One of the projects I had worked on during the 90 days was the conversion of the Pastor’s Support database. It was kept on a PC and the size of the database had outgrown the ability for the program to keep up with. They kept having issues with it and it needed to be moved onto an SQL server designed to reliably work with that much data. I completed that project without any issues. Now they had the big database to move for the same reasons: the overseas project database. This was the database that contained the names, places and amounts of all money supposedly spent overseas. They had not allowed me to see any of the data in the Pastors Support database, which is unusual. Normally a contractor would look carefully at all the data moved both before and after the conversion to make sure nothing was lost and that data integrity was maintained. They made it clear that I would never see any of the actual project data for this database as well. This project was different in that they needed some of the structure to be transformed as the way it was laid out was not the most efficient way of designing a database structure. That created a problem where I believe God stepped in.

The problem was that after the meeting I set down to try and figure out how I was going to transform the structure from what they had into what they wanted. I just could not see how to make that happen with the tools at my disposal. I had not run into a problem like that before. I think, in hindsight, that God was keeping me from seeing how to do what they asked for. That caused me to go to a friends house that evening.

He had become a close friend as he went to same church I did and was also going through a divorce. It just so happened that he also was a database programmer and that he knew the IT manager. In fact, he had even worked for him as the manager was once his boss at Phillips. I explained in general terms, without showing him any of the actual structure, what was there and what they wanted to do with it. He almost instantly saw the solution which he tried to explain to me, over and over for sometime. I was still not getting it. Finally I threw up my arms in surrender and told him that I would have to call them up tomorrow and give them the bad news that I did not know how to do what they wanted. My friend told me to hold off of that. He knew the manager and he decided he would call him in the morning and offer to do this himself for free! That was fine with me.

I was not feeling completely comfortable with this offer of work for two reasons: one was that the lady downstairs who kept the top secret information and the IT manager could not stand each other and basically refused to talk to each other unless absolutely necessary. The other was that the IT manager was a database specialist himself. He had originally been hired to help them develop their databases in the first place. He knew how to do the stuff he hired me to do. But I do not recall ever seeing this man doing any actual work, beyond playing with his budget, talking with other managers, giving out orders and taking an occasional phone call. It was the two techs that did all of the work of wiring, dealing with technical issues and keeping everyone’s computer working. I guess he came out of a corporate environment and was used to managers who behave like this. The ministry was small enough that it needed a working manager, which was not what it had. He was making $60K at the time, according to the public 990’s which was more than anyone else in the department, and was a lot in a town where houses are so very cheap. I was relieved to get out of this, even though I could have used the money because I was living in my expensive wife’s house she picked out that I was still paying a mortgage on and I was paying taxes and utilities for the other, vacant house. And so I went to bed.

The next day started out as usual until I got a phone call from the friend I had talked with the previous night. He was both upset and confused at the response he had gotten from the IT manager. His former boss had hung up on him and was so angry that he sounded unhinged at a simple offer of volunteer, free expert help. I was perplexed. At the end of the workday, I received another call, this time from the tech friend I had at VOM. He told me how this manager was yelling and screaming after he hung up on my friend. He ran upstairs and talked with Jim Dau, the CEO. He then ran down to the front desk and put my name onto a list not to buzz into the building. And so I was exiled for trying to do my job. I never heard anything directly from anyone in management. I never tried to get in the building after that. Nor did I ever hear once again from anyone there. The whole thing made no sense to me. VOM management did this in spite of the fact that they knew what was going on in my life. They kicked me when I was already at a very low time of my life. I saw nothing charitable or Christ-like in any of that.

In an attempt to better understand what happened, I sat down with my pastor who is friends with one of Tom White’s family members. He told me that I had been “thrown under the bus.” This was the end of 2002, years before Mark Driscoll made that phrase infamous in church circles. I also sat down and had a meal with the director of the other ministry that I was doing some work for at the time. He has remained a friend and so I explained at length, detail by detail, what had happened and he had no explanation for their actions. I saw it as extremely paranoid and I saw no grace in it. I wonder if the IT manager was merely pissed off that he would now have to do actually do work and talk with the dreaded lady downstairs. When Tom White killed himself almost a full decade later, I recognized that I had actually pierced the thin veneer of false spirituality and fake niceness and had touched on the actual evil substance of the place. Tom was paranoid because he was cheating donors and using those funds to commit a terrible, secret sin. VOM management is a white-washed tomb full of sickness, evil and disease.

This is not quite the end of the story. The IT tech lasted a couple of more years until at the same time of year he had a very bad experience with the same manager. It was a case of true Phariseeism, his boss had tied up a heavy and inappropriate burden on him and refused to lift a finger to help him with it. He could not stand it anymore. He left.

Also, remember those volunteers I had met early on on this journey? In between these two stories, one of them had gone on a trip to a closed country in Africa to see one of VOM’s projects up close. It was a building project that had gone astray. He arrived to find that the man VOM had hired to manage the project had no idea whatsoever what he was doing. He had spent a large amount of the total allocated funds just to build a foundation. And that foundation was several times bigger than the final building was supposed to be. My friend told me he had to improvise and figure out how to use part of the foundation and salvage the project so at least something could be built. He changed it to a now smaller building than originally planned and had to leave the project to be finished by the same construction manager. It was quite likely that the building was never finished and the project ended up being wasted donor money, but you will not see a word about that in their polished up and white-washed regular mailers.

Another story that I heard in between those first two, was the story of how Tom White’s personal secretary got fired. VOM had a policy where when really big checks came in, they were supposed to get special treatment. So instead of being handled like every other small check directly through the accounting department, they were sent upstairs to Tom’s personal secretary. At some point in time, the secretary stopped processing them at all and instead merely dropped them into a folder in the back of her filing cabinet to collect mold. One day a large stash of old checks totaling a very tidy sum was found by someone else. Most of the checks had gone way past the standard 6 month expiration date for checks so this had been going on for years, including the time I was there. They fired her, but I still wonder what transpired between Tom and this lady that would get her so pissed off that she would want to screw this “ministry” in this fashion?

Something else you will never read about is the saga of Pastor Joel who worked as a director at VOM and as a worship Pastor at a local Wesleyan Church. I found out about it shortly after my exile. It appears Pastor Joel started having an affair with his secretary at VOM. He ended up getting fired from both gigs and then divorced his wife so that he could marry the secretary. These events occurred not too long before I came to town. My friend who had so graciously offered to convert their database for nothing started dating Pastor Joel’s ex-wife. So I heard about it from her point of view and from the tech’s too. The tech told me that management had suspected that Pastor Joel had sex inside his office with his secretary. Their solution was to remove the regular doors off of all the offices and replace them with glass. If they had only chosen to do the same thing regarding transparency to their donors, I would not have to be writing this whole testimony down now. VOM buried this situation. I believe that charities owe it to those donors who pay the bills to let them know not just spin about what is going right for them, but also what is not. There should have been some transparency about this moral failure but obviously there never was about either this or anything else immoral that happened inside the organization. They could not hide Tom’s dead body, although they probably wished he had killed himself somewhere else.

One final story from inside the office. While I was in the office, one day two attractive, college age women showed up working inside. I found out that they had just been hired by the accounting department. They were there just a few months and then they both were suddenly gone having been hired and fired as a pair. The tech told me a story of what had happened. He said that the two were very loose, flirting with men in the office including him. One day the two made him a proposition that he responded to with basically a “if I entertained that thought for a second, my wife would kill me” response. He walked away. Soon after that, one of the ladies became pregnant out of wedlock and they both were promptly fired.

In summary, the big lesson I have learned from all this is how much I should hate the worldly and devilish practice of corporate image polishing. The very root of deception in our world is the polished and skilled liar who knows how to spin facts and white-wash what is, in reality, a septic tank. People pretend the septic does not stink. The image is a lie. The reality is something very much uglier than a dozen or so employees and volunteers standing outside the building during break time smoking. I have no doubt that many more stories exist that I have never heard about. I no longer think that merely giving Mammon to organizations is true charitable work. I see being a donor now as a two-edge sword that has blessing on the top side and cursing on the bottom. Give the Mammon to a good person and it still may end up doing great harm without excessive caution and care be exercised from start to finish. Give it to someone evil and you have just funded Satan’s work on this planet. The love of money really is a root of every kind of evil.

Mr. Jesperson

Related Reading: Letter by Michael Wurmbrand exposing corruption in VOM


Spiritual Abuse in Church? Moving Out & Moving on

If you’ve been victimized by an abusive pastor or church, I think you’ll find this article very helpful. From the title you may think I am suggesting just to “move out and move on”. Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. There are those that have told me to “just get over it”, that if I were mature enough in Christ that I should be able to do just that. I feel I have…since the time I left the abusive church, or should I say, the abusive people in those churches, but this article isn’t for me, it’s for others who may still be in bondage in such churches and perhaps confused, hurt, in fear, and unsure about whether to leave or not. 

When I left the abusive apostate church I was in, I was literally crushed in my spirit. I felt I had been betrayed by people I thought I could trust. No, let me rephrase that. I had been betrayed.

I was confused and hurting. At that time there was no one I could turn to that would understand. After all, all my friends were in “church”, and wasn’t “church” where you were supposed to meet God, and wasn’t it ordained that one should not forsake the assembling together with the brethren?

I thought to myself, what brethren? They were all locked into the system, and the system I thought I could trust, the one I’d believed in was a sham, corrupt.

God had been good to me since my conversion, or I should say since my baptism in the Spirit. I had grown in the Word, and the LORD had blessed me in so many ways.

It took a lot of disappointments and more growth in the Word before I began to get my eyes opened to the things in the several churches I’ve been devoted to, that just plain were not of God.

It took months to even begin to recover physically and emotionally from the trauma I’d suffered from the years in church. But spiritually, I was devastated, and had to “rethink” my entire belief about “church” and what it was supposed to be scripturally. What I found was that it had no resemlance to the early church…and the way the LORD set it up.

I’ve learned later that many people who leave an abusive church walk away from God altogether and just try to get on with their lives as best they can. But for me, I had some serious issues that I needed to work out spiritually and wasn’t satisfied with walking away from God, because I knew he was real, and my experience was real, and like Peter, I felt, “Where would I go LORD? Only you have the words of truth”.

About that time I had been wishing I had a computer. Then, by the grace of God I received one as a gift. It was then I began searching for what others had experienced and found that the doctrines I’d been taught in the churches I’d attended were wrong….what the LORD had been telling me in my spirit all along.

I also found others like myself who were leaving the apostate organized churches for the same reasons. They weren’t “backslidders”. In fact, they were people who were devoted to God and completely serious in their walk. But they had also eventually seen the abuses and wrong doctrines, and controlling natures of the bird cages they’d been in bondage to.

After you come out of an abusive church or spiritual situation, expect to have some emotional healing to go through. It’s not pleasant to be sure, but it’s normal. You may look at it as a blessing in disguise because once you’re out, you’re no longer being under the control and expectations of others to conform to their ways and doctrines. You will not have the liberty in the Spirit to come to know Jesus according to the Word of God in a personal and living way. The Apostle Paul spent much time alone with the Lord after his Damascus Road experience, learning from Him directly before he ever made contact with the other Apostles and brethren.

This time alone with the Lord, for me, became a time of refreshing, reorganizing my spiritual thoughts…and a time of  healing eventually.

In a way, it was the biggest weight off my shoulders I’ve ever felt, even if at the time it felt beyond strange, with Satan laying a guilt trip on me that it was somehow my fault. No, it was not and I’ve come to accept that. For where the Spirit is there is liberty.

And God bless you as you continue your spiritual journey of healing and on to maturity in Christ.

Victory Center Sexual Abuse Scandal



I subscribe to a Google feed that sends me news of new church and spiritual abuses. Everyday there are at least two e-mails in my inbox with some distressing and shameful scandal. This time, it involves Victory Christian Center in Tulsa, OK….but only because one of the victims blew the whistle.

Not all church scandals involve a cult steeped in aberrant doctrines. Many of them involve churches similar to the one down the street from you and me. The ones that make the news are usually the ones that make it to court because someone filed a complaint. All too often, churches choose to keep their dirty linen inside the church walls. This in itself is a scandal, but one known only to God and to those who are scandalized, and hurt,  by the complacency of it’s members.

This is more than just my opinion as I’ve followed these church failures, and yes, they are failures and more than that, they’re putting the name of Christ to an open shame…but it seems to me that most of these scandals involve either a money crime or a sexual crime. And for every crime involving churches, there has to be a victim. Sometimes it may be money donated by the congregation and then misused or stolen by the clergy, usually the pastor. The congregation is made up not only of the middle class and/or those who can afford a loss without it hurting them, but also of those who can scarcely afford to put food on their table.
Then, on the other hand, a sexual crime usually, but not always involves a young child, such as the 9yr old girl raped and victimized by her pastor.

How often when a church scandal happens and a rogue pastor is exposed do you hear that we are just supposed to pray for him and then forgive him? I agree that we need to do that as well, but we clearly do NOT need to place him back in a place of leadership. The very fact that an ungodly crime happened in the first place is an indication that there is something very wrong going on in whatever church is involved. For example, why wasn’t the said wolf in sheep’s clothing and his behavior discerned by someone accountable? Isn’t that what elders are for?

Back when I was still a young in the LORD Christian, I sought God not only in church, but in His Word and in my prayer closet. I began to get “vibes” if you will that there were things going on in the church, (in this case, a spiritfilled church where such things as sex or money crimes should NEVER happen. The Holy Spirit was warning me, but the leadership seemed to be oblivious.

Like I said, it always seems to be about either sex or money….two of the deadliest sins that man is prone to be capable of. And two that God takes most seriously.

My friend told me that 3 years prior, during a men and boys only church outing that her son had been molested by the church youth minister at Fountain of Life Pentecostal Church in Dewey, Oklahoma. He was 13 at the time, but was so confused, traumatized and ashamed that he didn’t tell his mother until he was 16. At that time, she told a friend who was in leadership in the church, who then told the pastor. What happened then was beyond belief. Instead of confronting this perpetrator, the pastor preached what I heard was a fiery sermon the next Sunday, and the perp ran to the altar bawling and squalling. The church took this action as “repentance” and then without any form of counseling, or removing him from his position as youth minister. What were they thinking!??

Sadly, this damaged my friend’s son beyond belief. This happened many years ago, and although this young man is now grown, married and with a family, he still bears scars from this molestation. However, during the interim period he went through many difficult times that went unministered to by the church, even by then they knew about it.  He’d just refused to go back to that church without telling anyone why.

And the church? Well, sexual molestation of a minor child is first of all a CRIME punishable by law. This perp should have been arrested, taken to court and jailed. Also, the church could have been sued to the max by my friend. Neither happened and he went scot free to continue his hidden agenda in the church behind closed doors. Almost…….you see, what happened a few years later, this same perp died (in perfect health), of a heart attack at age 40. The first thing that came to me was….”God will not be mocked”, especially in his own house called by his name. The next thing that came to me was, “vengeance is mine, saith the LORD, I will repay”. Apparently, he wasn’t kidding when he said that. There was simply no other answer, or reason for this person to die.

God’s eye is on the sparrow, and he watches over his little ones. He warned those not to touch one of them, and what would happen if they did. Lest we not forget, we are held responsible if we turn a blind eye toward blatant and obvious sins and misconduct in the household of God.

Note from Scarlett: I was recently informed that the minor child who was molested by the “youth minister” in this case admitted to his mother for the first time, he was sodomized during this cam ping trip.



Tom White of VOM Death Cause Report Released


  It’s now official! Finally after nearly 4 1/2 months Tom White’s autopsy report has been released to the public.


Medical Examiner’s Office spokesperson Eddie Johnson said a report on White’s cause of death shows the cause was acute combined drugs, alcohol and diphenhydramine toxicity.

“And the manner of death is considered suicide. And there was no autopsy,” Johnson said.”

Bartlesville Police Dept. Capt. Jay Hastings said, at the time of White’s death,

“We investigate crimes to determine whether or not they happened and whether charges need to be filed. In this case, the person that was listed as a suspect is deceased. There’s not ever going to be charges filed,” he said.

Hastings said reports in that investigation will not be made public.

It seems strange to me that since White’s death appeared to obviously  be a suicide, and that there was no autopsy conducted on his body, that it would take this length of time to release the cause of death…unless there had been pressure brought to bear for the results not to be released until a considerable length of time had elapsed. This can only be left to speculation since the VOM ministry leadership has been very reluctant to release further information.

However, the local scuttlebutt around Bartlesville, Oklahoma where White lived and VOM has it’s US headquarters seems to indicate that the molestation victim was Tom White’s own grand daughter. Again, this is speculation. No one but the parties involved know the truth of what happened for a certainty. But it does appear, as was originally made public, even by VOM, the investigation of molestation by White was enough to drive him to commit suicide. One has to be terribly grieved by this tragedy for all concerned.


Should Churches and Online Ministries Issue Disclosure Statements?

Has something similar to this gone on in a church in your city or town? Probably, but since the advent of the Internet, Christians all over America, or for that matter, the world, have been able to connect the dots. Again, I thank God for various blogs that have exposed the previously “best kept secret” of the church….that of spiritual and sexual abuse.  I know of one serious instance of sexual molestation of a very young teen boy by the “youth minister” in a church where I live, and in fact, that I used to be a member of. What did the church do? Nothing…. except cover it up. The boy was so traumatized by the molestation, he didn’t “tell” for a long time.

Although a crime/crimes had been committed the church covered it up and allowed the so-called youth minister to continue “ministering” to teen age children, oftentimes picking them up at home and taking them places without parental or church supervision.

Scripture says to remove a hypocrite from the church. The law says to report such crimes. This church played God and took the law in their own hands and did neither, “not wanting to ruin the reputation of the man, or the church”. The single parent was discouraged by church leadership of reporting the crime to the police saying it was a “spiritual issue”.

Although this should have been reported to the police, it wasn’t. So, what did they do for the child?…and make no mistake, a 13 yr old boy IS a child and at a very vulnerable stage of development in his life. No one from the church went to minister to, pray for, or counsel the boy. He was left to struggle with the aftermath of this abuse by himself. I found out about this after the fact, but I knew the boy personally, and know that he desperately needed counseling. He still has trust and other issues to this day because of this molestation.

Also, I am almost positive that another boy of the same age was molested by this same man several years later. I observed this myself when I went back several years later, that this boy was having serious emotional and spiritual issues….. that he acted very strange, as did the youth minister, but again, nothing was done. I asked the boy’s mother if she had questioned her son and asked her if she had asked her son if he had been sexually molested by this man, and she said yes, but that he denied it. However, denial by a victim is not all that unusual in some cases.

So, what happened to the molester? He died suddenly and prematurely. God has a way of taking care of situations where someone has harmed one of his little ones. As for the church…it is not doing well or prospering, not surprisingly, but continues to pretend “to do the work of the Lord” and inviting the unsuspecting into its fellowship.

About another church in the same general area…this is a bit of pretty accurate hearsay, but the church grapevine indicated a 9 month pentecostal “revival” conducted by a traveling evangelist abruptly ended due to a “sexual incident” with a 15 yr old girl. This was after he had been conducting “deliverance and casting out sessions” in the back room of the church. One young woman I knew to be a fine Christian suffered a nervous breakdown, and landed up in the psyche ward of a local hospital after a suicide attempt, and has now quit her job due to being unable to work, and is on medication. And apparently, the traveling evangelist traveled on to molest some girl, and/or, spiritually harm someone else in another church down the line.

I am a Christian but I can tell you that I am disgusted by the way many churches cover up incidents of spiritual and sexual abuse by church members or church leadership, and I will not be party to such spiritual or legal crimes by participating in such churches, or ministries, I don’t care whether they operate behind the closed doors of a church building or from behind their laptops on the Internet. And neither should anyone else. No church  is above the law, and no church is above the law of God making themselves a law unto themselves. And neither is any so-called “online ministry”.

Although it’s illegal to issue a disclosure statement hiding facts about known issues in a real estate contract,  churches have continued to cover up and abuse with impunity. The same can be said about many online ministries which operate in an entirely different realm than local church communities, and have become virtually untouchable, with very little or no accountability to anyone.

As for churches in general…

Meanwhile, people from these two churches I mentioned continue inviting people to “go to churrrrch” with them. I personally think they should hand out disclosure statements, ( similar to those that must be issued  when one puts a house on the market for sale, listing all the potential problems and issues not apparent upon surface examination)…  stating they allow molestation in their churches and commit spiritual abuse in general. When churches invite the unsaved or morally unregenerate into their churches, they’ve already gone against scripture. The Lord’s church is supposed to be the Body of Christ, not a haven for perverts and wicked people. If they want to do an outreach, then keep it separate from the church assembly and keep a close watch on the kids. The next child to be molested could be yours.

As for so-called “online ministries and fellowships”…...

What do you actually know about these people? Have you looked them in the eye, face to face? Would you enter into a serious business deal with someone you’ve never personally met, no matter how good the deal looked on the surface? And yet, they are asking money from you, by virtue of their PayPal or donation page? 

I’ll say it again, as I have on other posts, preaching or teaching is a calling, not a business.

As for me………

I’ve experienced spiritual abuse and witnessed it damaging other people. I’m not out there with a “ministry”, teaching doctrine. I am what I am, not a perfect vessel, but willing to be made into what God desires me to be.  I use this blog to warn people about things I consider to be very important. But one thing I do not do, and that’s put up a Pal Pal acct, or donation page asking money from people for what I do here that I have freely received from the LORD.

I’m just saying…the choices are up to each person, and not me, God, or anyone else is going to force anyone to do anything against their own will.

The Hypocritical Voice of the Martyrs~VOM

The following is a reblog  from the  FLEEBABYLON post published several months before Tom White’s death on the heels of the investigation of a molestation charge of a 10 yr old girl.

I must admit, I too have been in a quandary about VOM, and have decided to withdraw my support from them. This has been a hard decision because of knowing the good they do. However, it is my feeling that the “good” they do, does not and cannot outweigh the very serious issues concerning the obvious ecumenism VOM has been wading in. Ecumenism is one of the most dangerous issues facing Christianity today, and must not be condoned or supported by the Christian community if they want to obey Jesus Christ, and keep the real Body of Christ, and the gospel of Jesus Christ pure and undiluted with leaven.

May Jesus bless those who stand for the uncompromising truth~



The hypocritical voice of the martyrs | January 4, 2012

I find it ironic that the voice of the martyrs supports the roman catholic ‘church’ considering the great whore has been responsible for shedding the blood of so many saints down through the ages. Many stories in their own book “Jesus Freaks” (that I cherish) are about the Roman and English religious institutions murdering true saints. They don’t usually tell you that though and subtly leave believers with the impression that it was some nasty communist or muslim committing the murder. I hope VOM will be more consistent and start supporting persecuted communists and muslims too along with their support of roman catholics.
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Amen brother, I once seriously considered supporting them, but I found it hard once I saw the idols they sell as well. Our brothers and sisters who are under persecution really need prayers and also support, I would also really like to see them drop any ecumenical visions. Something else that has concerned me is that some of the persecuted are Catholic. Much of the world sees Catholicism as Christian and so willfully bring harm on both groups.

Comment by Al — January 5, 2012 @ 1:03 am

So did you read something recently that prompted your post?

I had an email discussion with VOM a while back regarding them calling Catholics “brethren” on their website. After our email conversation they took off the words “brethren” and put “believers”. Same thing in my book. So then I went to a VOM conference that was near me and spoke with Tom White. He basically said that Catholics were believers and that Richard Wumbrand was in prison with a Catholic believer. He wasn’t really changing his view of them. He said that basically the bottom line was the if Catholics are persecuted and need bibles, they will send them to them.

I have no problem with them sending Catholics bibles. They should just send some pamphlet or tracts that exposes Catholicism and calls them to genuine repentance and faith.

The tough part about VOM is that they do support a lot of real persecuted brethren in different countries. Every now and then I read their monthly magazine. I want to help but if you do, you end up supporting an organization that embraces a false religion. So I don’t. Unfortunately there’s not a lot of options when it comes to supporting organizations that support persecuted brethren. Thankfully there are a few.

Comment by Sean Scott — January 5, 2012 @ 1:36 am


I am doing a lot of research on the translation of the KJV Bible, which lead me to persecution,from the Church of England and Rome, that lead me back to VOM, which I stopped supporting quite some time ago.

“He basically said that Catholics were believers and that Richard Wumbrand was in prison with a Catholic believer.”

I know, I am not sure if you and I have talked about this before, but I am glad that he was not in prison with a mormon believer who was being persecuted for “the faith” along with him. I dare not say anything else against VOM or RW. VOM has been approached by others besides you and they seem to have tried to sweep this issue under the rug and hope it goes away. Because of the ecumenical spirit of the age nobody seems to really care anyway.

There are other places that help persecuted brethren, though what bothers me most is that I would love to support VOM if they repent of the error. They do a lot for sure for true brethren.


Comment by fleebabylon — January 5, 2012 @ 1:54 am

Check out this link directly to Voice Of The Martyr blog if you have any doubts that they

1) Consider catholics to be our brethen in Christ
2) Consider the catholic ‘church’ be a valid expression of the church of Jesus Christ


or if you dont have a lot of time just visit here:


“Father Nguyen Van Ly, 65, a Catholic priest sentenced to eight years in prison in 2007, remains seriously ill, reports Human Rights Watch…

Pray that Father Ly will know the Lord’s care and provision in his life.
Pray that the charges against Father Ly will be dropped. Pray for his healing.
Pray that Father Ly’s testimony will embolden other Vietnamese Christians.
Pray that religious freedom and human rights will be respected in Vietnam.

Comment by fleebabylon — January 5, 2012 @ 3:51 am


“When I was in prison, Catholics, Orthodox, Lutherans, Baptists, Pentecostals and Adventists were all in the same cells and endured the same atrocities. Instead of arguing about less important things, we united in love and prayer for the killers, and we used every occasion to tell our torturers about Christ.”

-Richard Wurmbrand, May 1989 The Voice of the Martyrs newsletter

Comment by fleebabylon — January 5, 2012 @ 4:08 am

Better to be divided by truth than united by lies.

Comment by fleebabylon — January 5, 2012 @ 8:31 pm

Then I guess the point is not whether an individual suffers for Jesus, but which Jesus he or she suffers for, be it Mormon, Catholic, etc. Mathew 7:21-22 comes to mind.

21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’

Probably the scariest verses in the Bible to me.

Comment by Al — January 5, 2012 @ 12:18 pm


Comment by fleebabylon — January 6, 2012 @ 4:22 pm

I feel pretty bad having to say these things about VOM – its like coming against grandmas apple pie.

I wanted to leave this one on a high note and say that Heavens Family does a lot of good for persecuted brethren.


Comment by fleebabylon — January 11, 2012 @ 3:23 am

Thanks for posting that link, I’ve never heard of them before. What a beautiful, loving, helpful looking group this is! Caring for the needy brethren! thank you

Comment by Loretta — January 12, 2012 @ 7:00 am

I had the chance to meet David and fellowship with him a couple of years back. Some good brethren of mine have been able to minister over seas with him too. Awesome testimony how the Lord brought him out of the AOG prosperity to start heavens family.

God bless you sister.

Comment by fleebabylon — January 21, 2012 @ 1:48 am

Smug jim and his collection of haters,

Perhaps you should consider your witness to the watching world and go do something for the kingdom of God- even if all you can do is shut up.

The house divided cannot stand…

Comment by Dave Tinberg — January 17, 2012 @ 2:47 pm

“Smug jim and his collection of haters”

Simply shameful dear pastor.

“Perhaps you should consider your witness to the watching world”

I touched on your golden calf (or should I say cash cow) over at the christianity today article huh? The world already knows that modern christendom is apostate, it is only her victims that are given over to strong delusion and believe the lie.


“The house divided cannot stand…”

And that is the main point. You are playing the hypocrite – being the “senior pastor” (chapter and verse please) of a denominational church who by definition divides the visible church into schisms. I hope you will take the time to consider this plain fact and also to read my testimony of how Jesus saved me from the AOG denomination.


Plus – here is a friend’s testimony who used to be an AOG teacher. He probably had more teachings on giving at one time than even you currently have on your website (again, shameful sir). This is a quick 30 minute testimony he gave about how God saved him from AOG from a pastor’s perspective. he now serves the body of Christ through Heavens Family, mentioned previously on this thread.


Thank you for stopping by.


Comment by fleebabylon — January 17, 2012 @ 7:21 pm

It’s shameful that VOM endorses Roman Catholicism. Period.

They could ask for prayer for persecuted Catholics (for their salvation) without endorsing them.

This goes back to Richard Wurmbrand, whom as far as i know, believed in transubstantiation, which was a common bond he had with Catholics.
I also read “Jesus Freaks” and was moved by it, but i also noted, as Jim did, that they removed every reference to the Catholic Church as the persecutor. Why?

Are they afraid that “pastors” like Dave Tinburg will stop supporting them if they tell the truth about Catholicism?

So ithe bottom-line is simply money?

That to keep your income from the “ministry” coming in you need to keep your supporters happy?

Dave Tinsburg, i find your accusations hateful and distasteful

Comment by ian vincent — January 20, 2012 @ 12:46 am

The only issue I have with VOM is that they count cultures who are traditional christian as christian when ‘persecution’ breaks out and speaks of them as christians being persecuted when that isn’t necessarily the case. That is the way I see it anyway.


Comment by JW — February 16, 2012 @ 11:17 pm

We got the animated video from VOM, “Jesus: He lived among us”, and while i believe it’s good for kids and anyone to learn something from, it has a loose approach to the Scriptures, and misquotes Jesus in a few places, quite blatantly. Their reasoning for this baffles me.

Recently i met a believer here in Shillong who met brother Richard when he came here years ago. He just dropped in at the place he and his wife were staying in the early morning, and Richard asked him to join them for breakfast. As this brother was leaving, Richard reached into his bag and gave this brother a tiny piece of communion bread, which he had saved and kept to give as a blessing.

It’s so sad that a brother like that could suffer so much for Jesus name and yet still be superstitious.

Comment by ian vincent — February 18, 2012 @ 1:03 am

Here’s a critique i did on an article by Richard Wurmbrand 4 years ago:

From a thread on RS

Comment by ian vincent — February 22, 2012 @ 9:44 am

If you want to know how deceived VOM is an organization, and how badly the leaven has worked its way through them, consider their recent post titled “Myths about anti-Christian persecution”.

What misconceptions have you heard or had about the persecuted Church?

John L. Allen Jr. recently highlighted in the National Catholic Reporter what he believes are five myths about anti-Christian persecution. Below are excerpts from his article.

Jim again – so VOM not only endorses catholicism but is now using it as an authoritative source to explain to us about true persecution. This is beyond words. Truth has fallen in the streets.

Comment by fleebabylon — March 26, 2012 @ 9:08 pm

One more from the main VOM blog


Comment by fleebabylon — March 26, 2012 @ 9:19 pm

Since when is someone ruining a picture of a catholic idol “persecution”. I guess Asa was persecuting the jews in the eyes of VOM.

2Ch 14:2 And Asa did what was good and right in the eyes of the LORD his God. He took away the foreign altars and the high places and broke down the pillars and cut down the Asherim



May 25, 2010

Catholic Church in Maywood Vandalized, Called a Hate Crime

Stacy L. Harp

May 25, 2010

We’ve covered numerous churches in recent days that have been either set on fire, or burglarized or vandalized. Today we have a sad story about a Catholic Church in the Los Angeles area, that has been vandalized with the number 666 being scrawled in the kitchen, a knife being stabbed into a picture of the Virgin of Guadalupe and then someone had defecated in the sanctuary.

The Catholic Church is calling this a hate crime and police are investigating. Click here to read more.

Posted in Christian Persecution

Comment by fleebabylon — April 23, 2012 @ 9:00 pm

“vandalized with the number 666 being scrawled in the kitchen”

reminds me of ichabod being written on the wall

“, a knife being stabbed into a picture of the Virgin of Guadalupe ”

and the idols destroyed

“and then someone had defecated in the sanctuary.”

much less of an abomination than the weekly mass

Filed under christian persecution?


Comment by fleebabylon — April 24, 2012 @ 3:30 am

Voice of Martyrs, Tom White, Dies Under Tragic Circumstances


The Voice of the Martyrs statement concerning the death of Tom White:

The events of the last week are tragic. On Wednesday we learned that Tom White, VOM’s executive director, had died.

Allegations were made to authorities this week that Tom had inappropriate contact with a young girl. Rather than face those allegations, and all of the resulting fallout for his family and this ministry and himself, Tom appears to have chosen to take his own life.

None of those in leadership at VOM, including our Board of Directors, were aware of these allegations at the time of Tom’s death.

There is no doubt that Tom cared about his wife, his children and his grandchildren. And there’s no doubt that he cared about VOM.

We are deeply saddened by these events. Our hearts are broken.

However, the work that God has called VOM to do is bigger than any one of us. There are persecuted Christians who need our help. The legal process will go forward, and we will continue serving with our persecuted brothers and sisters.

We appreciate the many who are praying for our work, and we encourage you to join us in praying for Tom’s family during this difficult time, as well as the family of the alleged victim.

A letter from VOM’s president will be posted on our web site, http://www.Persecution.com, next week. (source)
This was the guy who believed that lost catholics are saved.

People should fear God.

VOM should take note was God is saying thru this.

Comment by ian vincent — April 26, 2012 @ 1:49 am

I am waiting to find out more before I comment on that Ian…

Comment by fleebabylon — April 27, 2012 @ 9:10 pm

Spiritually Abused in Church? What is Your Story?

Many people wouldn’t be reading here if they hadn’t been abused in some fashion.  Those who’ve never been abused, or abusers themselves- wouldn’t know what it felt like, unless they, at some point, felt the sting of it themselves.

It’s my personal belief that all abuse hurts a person spiritually. It’s not likely there will be physical abuse in a church setting, but there, abuse will occur at the very heart of our soul, sometimes driving us into self-condemnation, guilt over false accusations, shaking our spiritual beliefs, and foundation of our faith to the very core.

Our reaction to this may come first as shock, followed by anger and indignation. And soon after, if we are lucky enough to remove ourselves from the abusive situation, we may lapse into a feeling of rejection as we become isolated from former brethren.

My own personal journey through the pain of spiritual abuse was absolute bewilderment and a mind numbing core of hurt that pierced the deepest places in my heart. Even with Christ there to carry me though this, it was without doubt, one of the worse experiences of my life. How could I ever trust “church people” again, now that I knew the truth? Might they not all be like that? I isolated myself from churches, not wanting to take another chance at exposing my deepest feelings to those who were going to reject, falsely judge and hurt me.

My experience with spiritual abuse wasn’t an isolated incident that merely “hurt my feelings”. Instead, without  going into details, it was a long, complex series of abuses that continued over a period of time, that finally culminated with a yet another betrayal, this time even more serious than the others. With this came the  realization that I had to get out. The abuse was affecting me spiritually and emotionally, and there was no other choice but to leave. I couldn’t change anything by staying.

I went through this alone. There was no one to talk to about what happened. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so alone, betrayed, falsely accused,  and rejected in my entire  life. It’s very hard to describe the feelings I had. I’m not sure there are even adequate words. Maybe something close would be like when someone closest to you died, and there is at first shock and then the grieving process sets in after that, but even that doesn’t quite fit, because when I left the church where I was abused, the only one who I felt had died, was me.  The ones who abused and condemned me wrongly, basically for their own false perceptions, went on, justifying themselves together, and continued on apparently oblivious to the havoc created in my life. (Only later, have I found there are many others who were going through, or had gone through a similar circumstance, but at the time, there wasn’t the ground swell rising up of voices on the Internet to expose this “best kept secret” going on in churches all across America). I felt like I was the only one.


Next came the feelings of bitterness and resentment at those responsible for abusing me. This was a small church, so my betrayers had once been my closest friends. Well, at least some of them. The pastor was an enigma…at times he seemed compassionate and real, but most of the time he had a bully pulpit, and made a practice of calling out those who had committed what he felt were infractions in such a way that everyone knew who he was pointing his finger at. He had his little group of favorites, especially those who curried his favor and fawned over him. That wasn’t my style though and maybe he sensed that.

I knew in my heart what they did was wrong, and I also knew my resentment was wrong. I knew I needed to forgive, that I must forgive, but I didn’t know how I was going to be able to do that, the pain I felt went so deep.

Jesus said, unless we forgive others, our father can’t forgive us. That’s a big order sometimes. But unforgiveness is destructive, both on the offenders but also on the one that needs to extend forgiveness. I think this issue of unforgiveness is truly very misunderstood, but I think our own spiritual growth will be stunted if we fail to forgive and, instead,  allow a root of bitterness to grow in our hearts and become twisted and ugly.

Think about that. If we allow our hearts to become cold and bitter, then Satan has won the round and we will end up more like those who abused us…hypocrites. I don’t want to be like that and neither do you. We need to keep short accounts with God so our prayers can get answered and so that we can move forward in our walk in the
Spirit, leaving ugly emotions behind us. That is the victory over spiritual abuse.

It can be done, but only through much prayer and communion with Jesus in worship, asking for help and laying all burdens at the foot of the cross, for truly, we can do nothing without him.

Jesus bless all of you going through these struggles and I thank God who will give us the victory as we turn fully to him.

Since that time, many years ago, I have studied the phenomena of spiritual abuse in churches, in depth, inside and out, and from every angle. I know what makes it tick, and the games people play in church, all the way from the pulpit, to those in other “leadership” aspects of the church, all the way to those who sit in the pews. There is a pattern to these things, even from church to church, from one denomination to another, in one way or another. I have arrived at this from not any disconnected “psychological analysis”, but from personal experience with scripture and an intimate relationship with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who by His mercy and grace brought me out of it.

If you have been spiritually abused in a church, by the pastor, or another church member, or even the group. You may tell your personal story here, anonymously. Just post it under the comment section here and I will create a post from that, leaving out the parts you choose, (names, places, etc). Your privacy will be vigorously protected. E-mail addresses, personal names will never be released to others, nor will any other privately communicated information. If you would like to talk to me personally, send an e-mail to SpiritualAbuseSanctuary@hotmail.com. I will be glad to talk to you. Skype chats can also sometimes be arranged. I am not a psychologist,  nor do I give medical advice, but I will be happy to listen to hurting people who have been through spiritually abusive situations in church, or in the home.

~God bless you,


Hephzibah House of Horrors


I believe the testimonies of these girls. Their stories deserve to be told, over and over if need be, until the perpetrators of such abuses get the message that their abuses against these girls will be shouted from the housetops, with them exposed and hopefully punished, and/or jailed, and then hopefully these types of  crimes will cease to exist.  I have a real problem with pastors, individuals, churches…..anyone…. who abuse other people in the name of God, and I will tell about it whenever I can. That’s what I love about the Internet…finally, these best kept secrets….. crimes done “in the name of God” are being exposed, and victims are coming forward to tell their stories and put the spotlight on the abusers.

Soon, I hope to do a post on similar abuses within so-called ministries for boys and men. 

The following is a HUGE list of survivor statements and testimonies of the girls who’ve been in Hephzibah House, and I seriously doubt if this even begins to skim the surface:




Faith Healing Cults



More on the series of faith healing deaths of babies and small children done “in the name of God”.

See our other post on faith healing death here:



Faith Healing Cults

Followers of Christ Cult and the Church of the First Born Cult are faith healing splinter sects that have left a cruel and bloody trail of suffering, and now dead victims in their wake.  Many of these victims are helpless babies and small children who have no voice or decision about receiving life saving medical care or relief from pain and suffering.

Many, if not most of these victims could have been saved. In this case, the victim was a teen age boy who happened to be the victim of his parents aberrant spiritual beliefs, that going to a doctor is showing a lack of faith in God.The poor boy must have been influenced by his parents and his church’s beliefs. These cult members then lay the blame on God, that “it must have been God’s will not to heal”. This of course is a form of fatalism, but you’ll never get these brainwashed, doctrinally “indoctrinated” cult members to understand this. They get away with murder literally, hiding behind the religious freedom clause of the Constitution.


This Topix  forum link shows an ongoing debate with some of the Church of the First Born people. You would have a hard time comprehending some of the arguments they give trying to justify allowing babies and small children to suffer and die with horrible and painful conditions. Another one of this churches legalistic and cruel “doctrines” is that of shunning, or “disfellowshipping),  and casting out members who disagree with their doctrines or over some “sin”. This may also include being cast out of one’s own family and be considered “dead” to family members for the rest of the “offenders” life. You would not think this sort of thing goes on in churches called by the Holy Name of Jesus Christ, but this cult abuses that to the limits. In many of these so called churches it appears to have been taken over by Satan, not Jesus. I’m not kidding. I’ve studied them for years, and the stories that come out of this cult are heartbreaking.



These cult churches are scattered all across the United States from Indiana to Washington state. Thankfully, convictions are finally being handed out to these cult members, but too late to save the victims laying in small graves, their cries of pain now silenced by death.