After examining this video clip purported to be a “baby dogman”, I’ve come to the conclusion that it is not a baby dogman, but more than likely one of the governments many failed experiments gone bad. Looking at the picture you can see the hand on the left side of the creatures body appears to resemble a human hand, while on the opposite side, instead of a hand, there is clearly a paw. What they were trying to create out of this chimera I have no idea. It probably died soon after this was filmed and thank God………

Fast forward to 2:37/37:11; proof the government is doing experiments creating chimeras such as this. Notice the 2 different “hands/paws”. Comment from a subscriber who viewed this clip, on his experience while in the army at Ft. Dix. ”

Tk you Jeff for another great upload! I felt really sorry for that baby. It appears that it died. The one hand was definitely canine not feline. I had spent considerable time the other night seeking info on nightmare hall. Is there any proof out the other than the Dulce papers? Can anyone provide links if so? I served 8 yrs in the military as a medic. During my basic training at Ft Dix, one night during guard duty I made the rounds of a building which was located far from the main stream of everything on the base. The building had kennels that were attached on both long sides of the structure. Picture a dog shelter, that is what it reminded me of. Two of the kennels contained dogs. To my horror the first poor dog had another dog’s head and front legs implanted to it’s neck and rib area. Immediately my heart broke for both animals. The attached dog was alive. The second dog had a large section of it’s side removed making it possible to look into the dog’s body. The openning had what appeared to be glass covering the wound. I wanted with all my heart to be able to release the dogs from such horrors the gov was forcing upon them. Any faith in our government ended for me that night. I have no problems in believing that parts of our gov would or could perform the horrors of nightmare hall.”……………Scarlett’s note: They are talking about a video called “Nightmare Hall” which was about a government operation at Dulce, NM. I’ve not known of this and am trying to find the video myself, as I’ve been hearing about this secret gov base at Dulce, NM quite a bit. My opinion is that I am sad and sickened by all this and would much prefer to just concentrate on Jesus and more positive things but cannot escape the fact that we are now in the last days, and the church needs to be warned of many things, heretofore they have not been warned about when men’s hearts will fail them for fear of what’s coming. The government has had a breeding program for many years for breeding dogmen and wolfmen as supersoldiers for military purposes. Real hybrid creatures, half animal, half human which have been alive down through the millennia, stemming from the original Nephelim stock with animal, human and having traces of Nephelim superhuman intelligence. Very powerful, very dangerous, and very evil. The government has since abandoned to program but it’s now out of control and many of these creatures are alive and have gone rogue and exist in various remote areas of mountains, wilderness areas, national and state parks and forests all across the Continental US and have also migrated into certain areas in Canada. Church, be careful when out camping or visiting these areas. Do not go alone, and watch your children and pets; these creatures are real and have become apex predators.


I’ve been researching this subject from the beginning; that is to say, when and where it all began, which was back in Genesis 6. The monstrous creatures turning up in various places more recently of late, do bare resemblance to the monsters and hybrid creatures in the Genesis 6 narrative, as well as beyond that, into Enoch 1.


Bizarre stories coming out of Gila National Forest in New Mexico, bordering Silver City, N.M where I live. I have to admit, the Gila National Forest has always given me the creeps. I won’t go in there to camp or even picnic if there’s not other campers around.