The Silencing of the Lambs, or Sit Down and Shut Up

Some things don’t change…..

Spiritual Abuse Sanctuary


 Am I a bigot because I don’t embrace “all faiths, denominations and belief systems”?  Am I also narrow minded because I think the Lord Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life, and I refuse to take for God’s Holy Truth, what some silver tongued devil, no matter how charismatic and good looking, is trying to weave  into my spiritual life.  Am I  homophobic because I don’t believe “Caitlyn” Jenner is really a woman? (I had a crush on him long time ago when he was very obviously Bruce).

What I have learned after being delivered out of a very deceived world,  is that Truth is available to everyone who cares enough to seek it with all their hearts.  Wouldn’t you think that everyone would want to know the truth….about God, about Life, about what their purpose is in Life, and why they were born?

Pilate asked Jesus…

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Skull of Magdalene hailed by Catholics in France — News that matters

What kind of “Christianity” is this?  Being a Christian means being “Christlike”…living the crucified, consecrated life, studying to take on Jesus attributes and characteristics.  This gaudy, gruesome display bears no resemblance whatsoever to Jesus Christ, our Savior Redeemer. Yet this disgusting thing is lifted up and displayed as something to be adorned, magnified and carried through the streets.

A skull placed inside a head of gold, with “golden hair” is paraded and adored in France as claimed to be Mary Magdalene. This “reliquary with skull of Mary Magdalene”can be venerated and adored in the basilica crypt of St. Maximinin la Saint Baume in France. That this skull is venerated inside this crypt, is […]

via Skull of Magdalene hailed by Catholics in France — News that matters

False Prophet / Mystery Religion: Pope Francis pushes a new theology of climate change (part of ‘mystery religion’). False Prophet emphasizes that nature brings men closer to God. Does not mention that Christ brings men closer to God. — The Night Watchman

False Prophet / Mystery Religion: Pope Francis pushes a new theology of climate change (part of ‘mystery religion’). September 3, 2019 RNS Mark Silk (RNS) — Thirty years ago, Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople put Sept. 1 on the Orthodox calendar as the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. Last month, Pope Francis did the…

via False Prophet / Mystery Religion: Pope Francis pushes a new theology of climate change (part of ‘mystery religion’). False Prophet emphasizes that nature brings men closer to God. Does not mention that Christ brings men closer to God. — The Night Watchman

STAND! (Commentary by Watchman73)


As the beast system rises day by day, so does the tyranny. Everywhere you look it seems that the spirit of antichrist is growing and evermore pervasive. I live in an area of the country considered to be free and full of bible-believing, God-fearing people. A state where we puff out our chest and say “God bless America” and “God bless Texas.” Sadly, most have no idea how far we are beyond “God bless America.” God’s judgement is coming upon this land faster than people can comprehend. The worst drought in decades is upon us, causing sharp spikes in future food prices; the world economy is on the verge of total collapse; earthquakes and volcanos are increasing at an alarming rate; and the world is closer than ever to thermonuclear World War III. Shame on those folks who call themselves Christian, but cannot discern the times in which we live!…

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Ominous Darkness Precedes My Judgments and Wrath – Handmaid of the Most High, 9/21/19


Today, after awakening from a nap, I felt another blanket of heavy darkness cover me. I have been experiencing these waves for years especially during satanic high holy days, often when sexual assaults and human sacrifices take place. We are in that phase as the Fall Equinox is being celebrated this weekend.

The Father stated tonight “these are those being released for the end days. These will persecute all tribes and all nations and the terrors that follow will be beyond what man has ever experienced before on this planet! The torment to come is beyond words in any earthly language to describe. Those who are not in me will seek death and not find it as I have said in my Word. He who has ears let him hear.”

In a video by Mena Lee Grebin on September 20, 2019, a prophetess, who posts on this site, she too…

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Deadly Winter Coming-Serious Prophetic Warning

This would not surprise me in the least, as the Sovereign Lord continues issuing judgments upon a decadent, unrepentant American people.

Most, if they see this, will scoff and ignore, but it will be to their own peril.

Believers, who will take heed, will need to follow some simple directions Glynda speaks of in her message. Stock up now, food, warm clothing, fuel, water; even medicines, if the possibility of being home-bound exists.

Pray for your family, friends, elderly relatives, babies, children, neighbors and brethren. Pray also for unbelievers that the Lord God will grant them mercy with a wake up call for repentance.

Come Out and Be Ye Separate… What it Does NOT Mean

Regeneration, Repentance and Reformation

Taken from “Come Out and Be Ye Separate.”
Written by J. C. Ryle

do not conform.
“Come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord

–2 COR. 6:17


Let me show what does not constitute
separation from the world.

The point is one which requires clearing up. There are many mistakes made about it. You will sometimes see sincere and well-meaning Christians doing things which God never intended them to do, in the matter of separation from the world, and honestly believing that they are in the path of duty. Their mistakes often do great harm. They give occasion to the wicked to ridicule all religion and supply them with an excuse for having none. They cause the way of truth to be evil spoken of, and add to the offence of the cross. I think it a plain duty to make…

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Pope Francis Invites World Leaders To May 14, 2020 Global Educational Alliance At Vatican Reptile Hall For ‘Nurturing The Dream Of Humanism’ — By the Blood of the Lamb

via Pope Francis Invites World Leaders To May 14, 2020 Global Educational Alliance At Vatican Reptile Hall For ‘Nurturing The Dream Of Humanism’ — By the Blood of the Lamb

Your Dread Champion is Standing With You! ~ by Deborah Waldron Fry, 9/8/19


“Beloved Warrior.  Whom shall you fear when your Dread Champion is standing with you?

If your God is for you, who can be against you?  Fear not!  I call you My Brave One.  I AM with you to deliver you and to rescue you.

The earth shakes and the foundations tremble at My consuming Fire; for I have seen your suffering, My Child.

I have parted the heavens and come down; the Brightness of My Presence chases the darkness and the storm clouds.

Yahweh has thundered from Heaven, the Voice of the Most High resounds with coals of Fire.  I take hold of you, My Warrior and I shall rescue you from those enemies who are too strong for you.

I train your hands for battle so that your arm can bend the bow.  I AM you with Strength and make your way perfect.

Your feet shall not slip for…

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Take Away From Me the Noise of Your Songs


Amos 5:21-27 – I hate, I despise your feast days, and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies. Though ye offer me burnt offerings and your meat offerings, I will not accept them: neither will I regard the peace offerings of your fat beasts. Take thou away from me the noise of thy songs; for I will not hear the melody of thy viols. But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream. Have ye offered unto me sacrifices and offerings in the wilderness forty years, O house of Israel? But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves. Therefore will I cause you to go into captivity beyond Damascus, saith the Lord, whose name is The God of hosts.

When I first reread this passage in Amos, a few things struck me.  First of all the Lord is bringing judgment on Israel for carrying on religious ceremony without true dedication to the Lord.  They sing songs and present their offerings while harboring idols.  I was reminded of how the Lord must view the heretical apostate mega church celebrations of today.  There is a lot of pomp and circumstance, yet little or no obedience to the Word of God.  The Lord does not look favorably upon worship of that type, no matter the hype, no matter the noise, no matter the show.  He actually “hates” it.

Modern “worship” music has taken on a distinct flavor of the world.  It is all about how well crafted the music is to get followers to think they are experiencing the presence of the Holy Spirit, when in fact they are simply experiencing the effect of their own emotions.  They mistake spiritual things for soulical. They think carnal things are an evidence of the presence of the Holy Spirit.  True worship of the Lord has been left behind and substituted with high-volume rock music where audience participation has been relegated to raising of hands and clapping instead of making their own voices heard above the din.  You can have the best musicians and songs crafted to tug at the heartstrings, and it may very well be something the Lord hates.  The Lord is looking for obedience and true worship, not a show, and not lyrics that compromise truth.

The Lord reminds Israel of their journey through the wilderness after disobeying the Lord.  They continued to present their sacrifices and grain offerings while carrying with them idols



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