Maui D.E.W: Evidence of Direct Energy Weapon? Judge For Yourself..

Most will ignore this, but shouldn’t, because next it could be you. There is a mainstream media blackout, but this story needs to be repeated until everyone knows. This is not natural. Natural fires don’t behave like this. Something else happened, Caused by someone, or a group of someones. Who, and why? Ask yourselves, pray about this, pray for people, pray for your families. Read also what the commenters are saying.

CELESTIAL REVIVALLE-a message for her detractors

Apparently, Celestial’s detractors have been forming a posse on Social Media venues in an effort to label her as a false teacher, a false prophet and other unsavory accusations. Most of the one’s I’ve seen, appear to be rather nebulous, lacking in any solid scriptural proof. It’s not going to be my purpose here to attempt to go into detail about these slanderous accusations, nor to enter into a debate about her position as a prophet for the Most High God. What I do hope to do is share what I have learned about Celestial’s work on her blog, here on WordPress, as well as on her YouTube channel, which is the one I most often view, although she has several others such as Rumble, where she can share and teach with less censorship.

I began following Celestial when she first began her WordPress Blog and was immediately drawn to her way of fleshing out the scriptures in a lively, refreshing manner that held one’s interest. I had really been yearning to find some indepth Christian writing that would satisfy my hunger for a deeper teaching into the spiritual walk with the Lord Jesus. Did Celestial’s teachings fit that bill? Yes, and more than I had hoped for. She is one of the best teachers I’ve ever known. To say that she is a wordsmith, and well grounded in the use of language is without question. She’s a very prolific writer as one can see by the number of blog posts made since she started her blog. As she has mentioned to her subscribers, after posting on her blog for a considerable period, doing what she is most familiar with, which is writing, the Lord urged her to begin using “the tools of her generation”, meaning YouTube and other similar venues. She has made numerous mentions that she is a very private person, and she was reluctant to venture into such a public arena. This is understandable to most people who value privacy. I mention this because I noticed that she has been accused of being quite the opposite. Really? One would tend to believe a false prophet, or prophetess would seek publicity from the very beginning, in the most obvious ways possible.

That said, let’s get to what a false prophet DOESN’T look like:

What a false prophet doesn’t look like is someone who preaches constantly on repentance from, and avoidance of all forms of sin, urging readers and viewers to adopt a lifestyle of holy living, fasting, prayer, bible study, and most of all developing a vital relationship of love, service and worship of the Lord Jesus Christ. She has been accused of not preaching the gospel which is an absolute lie; nothing could be farther from the truth! Celestial shows her fruits by the passion and depth of her teachings, stressing the importance of godliness and her amazing biblical insight. This is beyond question.

Many unlearned Christians have maligned her falsely. I dare say because perhaps they need to reexamine their own doctrines and traditional teachings. She teaches with a firey anointing seldom heard from today’s preachers and teachers. The fact that she prophesies some far reaching prophetic events that haven’t happened yet is entirely scriptural. God never has done away with prophets or the need for them, as some folks falsely believe. However, distinct from the position of the prophet or prophetess, is the simple ability to prophesy and is or should also be a fairly common ability, or, gifting, if you will, among spirit filled Christians. It should be , especially evident in those of you who feel you are spiritual enough to be able to draw solid conclusions about Celestial’s position as a genuine prophetic voice speaking God’s spoken Word. That’s not to say any of you are prophets, but do any of you hear God’s Voice? Have any of you ever heard the Lord speak to you in that “Still small voice, and tell you of something that has yet to happen? It’s not unusual for the ordinary spirit baptized believer. After all, His sheep hear His Voice. I have had some of those events myself, as well as what one might call impartations by the Holy Spirit to one’s spirit, although I don’t count myself a prophetess, or as anyone special at all, just a spirit filled Christian blessed with a few spiritual gifts as spelled out in the New Testament given to believers, as the Holy Spirit wills, (Who decides who gets what gifts), who have received the baptism and infilling of the Holy Spirit.

Celestial has given forth many prophecies that have come to pass; I’ve seen them happen because I’ve read all her blog posts and her video’s as well. So I haven’t come in right in the middle of the movie so to speak, thinking I know all about the beginning and the end as some of you have. So much has happened since 2019, and there is much left yet to be fulfilled. If people have to wait until they see something happen, in order to believe, that’s not faith, it’s walking by sight. For those folks who are so offended by some of the sexual content Celestial is warning us about, it’s unfortunate, but you might as well not watch the TV, the evening news, Netflix, most movies, magazines, and so on because these are the times we are coming into, and there need to be much stronger warnings than Celestial’s. Clearly you’re never going to hear them in church from across the pulpit. I can imagine some of you would faint dead away right there in the pew if you did.

Other than to the Lord Jesus, Whom she serves, and for those of us who love and appreciate what we have gained by her teachings and admonitions, she has to have the hardest, most thankless job imaginable, being under the constant teeth gnashing she has endured. If she had been shooting for the Popular Prophetess of the Year Award, she would be spoon feeding you all, sugar coating it so it goes down smoothly and telling you exactly what you want to hear. But I digress.

Bottom line, Noah had an entire world of doubters and mockers because of his seemingly bizarre warnings about the impending flood that would take them all away. If they would have believed him, they would have signed up for passage on that ark.

I’m praying that all of you will take this to heart, to pray more deeply and be more careful before speaking out against anyone. There is sin in a multitude of words, and we will all be accountable to Jesus for every one of them. This is not YouTube; I don’t intend to get into a verbal free for all, knock down drag out over this issue. Comments will be closed for posting or responses by me. I’ve said what was in my heart. Seek God, seek truth and discernment. Shalom


Some high nutrient spiritual food served up by the Holy Spirit via Sister Celestial Revivalle. This will lift you up and encourage you to dig a little deeper and to climb a little higher than before you listened,challenging you to develop the spiritual strengths you are surely going to need in the days ahead.

Where are the Children 👦 👧 LOST in the Lahaina FIRE!!? Update August 23, 2023

Where are the children? That’s what we’re all wondering. There has been so much coverup, and media blackout. People complaining they don’t want to see pictures of dead bodies. Well folks, this is reality, and these people that turn a blind eye so they won’t have their delicate sensibilities offended, need to get a wake up call because the truth needs to come out, not just about Maui and what happened in Lahaina, but about a lot of other things; government chicanery for example.