“The Cost Of Staying Alive” – April 2019

The Master's Voice Prophecy Blog

zombie 1The coming of the lawless one will be accompanied by the working of Satan,with every kind of power, sign, and false wonder, and with every wicked deception directed against those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth that would have saved them.  – (2 Thessalonians 2:9)

I’m preparing to post prophecy (given to me in Bible study) on why God has judged America. However two dreams keep pressing me, not nudging but pushing me so strongly that I’ll post them first. As I get write this first one I have to say, I’m irritated. If you wonder why, you won’t by the end of it. I’m irritated because of the world I live in, because people are so full of unbelief, so full of FOOLERY that as soon as they start speaking I can see the spirit of antichrist, lawlessness, or pure spiritual blindness controlling…

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Profanity of Profanities Pt. 7: “Cassock” – June 12, 2019

The Master's Voice Prophecy Blog


The word of the Lord came to me: “Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel. Prophesy, and say to them: This is what the Lord God says to the shepherds: Woe to the shepherds of Israel, who have been feeding themselves! Shouldn’t the shepherds feed their flock? You eat the fat, wear the wool, and butcher the fattened animals, but you do not tend the flock. You have not strengthened the weak, healed the sick, bandaged the injured, brought back the strays, or sought the lost. Instead you have ruled them with violence and cruelty. They were scattered for lack of a shepherd; they became food for all wild animals when they were scattered. My flock went astray on all the mountains and every high hill. They were scattered over the whole face of the earth, and there…

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The Master's Voice Prophecy Blog


I had this dream 4:40a.m., August 25, 2019. It unsettled me because the witchcraft in it was tangible. I knew God was showing me why His people are in bondage- it’s what they allow into their lives. It’s what they go after and hold on to (ignorantly or stubbornly) that brings chains and allows satan’s wicked works to afflict them with poverty, sickness, limitations, demonic activity or even death. If anyone reads this and doesn’t immediately evaluate what’s in their homes- on the shelf, or tucked away in long forgotten boxes in the garage, long-forgotten things that are still emitting demonic power like radio waves into your home… well.. Don’t say you never heard it before. God wants us teachable and without hard hearts- the time for holding on to the toys of satan is OVER. It’s time to separate and be accountable to God alone.

Dream: I saw a…

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Holy Ghost Fellowship International

17, “When someone becomes a Christian, he becomes a brand new
person inside. He is not the same any more. A new life has begun!”
What happens? Spiritual rebirth! But what happens on the outside?
What happens to the mind? What happens to the soul? What happens to
the body? It is our responsibility to renew in the mind.

Verse 18 & 21, “All these new things are from God who brought us back to himself through what Christ Jesus did. And God has given us the privilege of urging everyone to come into his favour and be reconciled to him. For God took the sinless Christ and poured into him our sins. Then, in exchange, he poured God’s goodness into us!” One of the greatest revelations you need to have is the revelation of what the blood of Christ carries; the revelation that the cross is a place…

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ANOTHER INDICTMENT……against the Apostate and Deceived Church of America

Before judgment, the accused is entitled to know the charges brought against them. Indictments are issued and the case is proven. The accused is found guilty and sentence is passed. The following is a Word from the Lord God Almighty – another indictment against the Apostate church and deceived nation of America.
“To the “church” in America. You have wandered far from the true path. You have left the purpose given to My people on earth. You were saved and called by My Name for one purpose and one purpose only – to make Disciples and bring the Gospel of Salvation into the world. John 17:15 – I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one. Matthew 28:19 – go and make disciples of all nations.
In the beginning of this Commission, My servants had one thing in mind – they were led by My Spirit to share the truth of the Gospel of Salvation to everyone and the Gospel spread like wildfire! They preached to their families, friends, neighbors, and went out from there into distant lands, reaching anyone they could, Jews and Gentiles alike. The enemy then hijacked the Gospel and My Name and became an institution, foul and filled with every evil doctrine and lie of man. They martyred the majority of My True Believers during the Inquisition. This has not changed! You are still a “church” full of lies. You are daughters of that first Harlot Institution (Catholic Church) although you “Protested”, but you never broke free from her foul influence. Even now, the enemy has sent wolves among you who are promoting reunification with the Harlot.
Your worship is profane and in vain. Your gatherings are useless reunions of dead and dry spirits. You want entertainment and messages that do not offend. All your works are contrary to My Commission. How you love your comforts!!! How you love living a comfortable lifestyle, and you send Missionaries out to foreign lands thinking you are doing your part to evangelize the world. They are sent to foreign (pagan) lands all the while, you live in one of the most “pagan” nations on earth! There are very few true believers in America – very few. The rest play church. They play being religious. They think they are spiritual when indeed, the horrendous amount of false doctrines within the walls of their crystal cathedrals disqualifies them from the privilege of being called by My Name.
I have spoken many indictments against you and your “precious” nation. Now I will bring one more. Oh how you want to defend your homeland. Oh how you wave your flags and build your walls, and want to destroy all those who don’t share your so-called values. You want people eliminated rather than redeemed. Look into your dark hearts. I see them. I hear your thoughts. “lock and load, shoot on sight”. “they don’t belong here “. Are you not equal to the Harlot Church, who sent out Conquerors to convert or eliminate the “pagans”? Are you no different than your founders who did the same thing to the indigenous people of your own land? Did they lead them to Salvation in Jesus? or did they act out of prejudice and condemnation. If they were true Believers, they would not have allowed the greed of their leaders to decimate the entire existing nation that they deemed “heathens” and deserving of death or imprisonment. They would have given them the TRUE GOSPEL. Look at your history “church” and what to you see? All I see are people who would rather commit murder than be inconvenienced in any way. People who want to eliminate everyone who doesn’t agree with their twisted definition of what an American Christian should look like. What about My commission to go into the world and make disciples of all nations? On your own soil, I see bloodshed, abortion, greed, selfishness, arrogance and every other foul attitude against the very ones I sent you to save in My Name.
Now, your nation is being flooded by people from other lands. It is part of the agenda that I am allowing to weaken even further your gates, as a judgment against you. And oh how you hate it! Oh how you whine and complain that they are bringing Catholicism with them! and diseases! and crime!
What about those born in your nation who are catholics, drug addicts, homeless, criminals , people with diseases? Have you made any effort whatsoever to be missionaries to them and the regular people who have never heard the true gospel? NO – you sit on comfortable pews and just look to your government, social services and police to handle them. And now, even more, you are looking to your false “king” to keep those heathens and troublemakers out of your precious land. You want to keep yourselves safe and secure and happy. What did Paul and the other Disciples suffer for the gospel? Read it – shipwrecks, beatings, imprisonment, and on and on. Did you see them sitting in a comfy building with no one against them? NO. You are selfish and spoiled! and should be ashamed. But you are not.
You are hypocrites and liars and deceivers at the highest level. You have no idea what it means to be a Child of Mine and you have the nerve to call yourselves by My Name. You are not MINE. Neither is your “righteous government” and leaders that you believe I sent to make sure you all are fat and happy. LIES. I send prophets and watchmen and spiritual soldiers to combat the problems – I send true missionaries into the streets of your land to preach the gospel, heal the sick, save the sinner, free the drug addicted, deliver the perverted, fill the gang members with My Holy Spirit. My true ones rise each morning with the intention of seeking My will and opportunities to share My Words with everyone they come across. You have more means at your disposal to preach the gospel than any time in human history, and yet, you spend all your time satisfying the flesh. Those truly committed to Me and My Work are few because most will not do the only thing I have commanded you to do. You would rather become idolaters of patriotism, exceptionalism, and every other “ism” that describes your deceived condition and take on causes and campaigns to solve spiritual problems with earthly means.
Your nation is full and overflowing with people who need to hear the gospel. You pray to Me about the evil in your land. You complain about the sinners and perverts and then you make one of two choices – you either hate them outright and in your evil hearts want them dead – or you pervert My Word and say that they’re ok because I love them the way they are. Instead – you should be preaching the gospel to everyone in your despicable nation, but you are blind, deaf and dumb.
I will deal with you shortly in ways you cannot imagine, nor do you expect. You insist on your right to “defend your Homeland” – well you have spoken your indictment out of your own mouth. You have chosen your Homeland. You have chosen the world over Me. You are not of My KINGDOM, which is not of this world! You neglect MY HOMELAND to defend what is foul and putrid and defamed with the blood of innocents in favor of your false Christianity.
YOU INSIST THAT I MUST BLESS AND PROSPER YOU. You are presumptuous and arrogant. I SAID THE ROAD IS NARROW. I said to take up your cross and follow me, not strive daily to gain more and more possessions. And what heritage have you left your children? They are the most rebellious, self seeking, entitlement minded generation that your nation has ever seen! You are none of Mine! Your Homeland is under My Judgment and I will not stay the sentence. Repent, Repent, REPENT.


How Does God Speak to Christians? Anyway He Chooses……..

I’m pretty sure this man is a good well meaning Christian, but the fact is, he’s leaving out a very crucial element of the truth….that’s included in his own bible about the way or ways, God speaks to His sheep. This man is unwittingly passing on a lie….”man made doctrines and traditions of men that make the word of God ineffectual”……aaaaand; “having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof”.

Friends, if God be God, He, by very virtue of the fact, is a supernatural God. Man, even in church, keeps trying to tame Him down and He’s having none of it.

OK, there are multitudes of Christians who will miss the joy, exhilaration and connection with Jesus speaking right to them and saying to them, “My son, (or), my daughter, I love you”….and proceeding to impart a valuable word to them. I’ve had this pleasure many times….once, even truthfully warning me to stop worrying, or there would be dire repercussions! It’s a sin to worry! You see, there are times when the Lord has to impart a right now word to a son or daughter that couldn’t be found in the bible right at that point in time. He’s a right now God…..the same yesterday, today and forever.

Your own bible tells you not to despise prophesying! And not to resist or quench the Holy Spirit….this is talking to today’s body of believers, not just the primitive church.

Doesn’t logic tell us that after Jesus departed to be with the Father, and all the Apostles died, that we would need all the spiritual gifts even more than ever, as the church went into heavy persecution and battle with Satan and his demons? That we would need to hear from the Holy Spirit, in prophecy? In casting out demonic entities? Jesus left these gifts of the Spirit, including healing, prophesying, knowing that we would need the power to enable us to overcome. Jesus departed to be with the Father, but Satan and his demons have still been active the past 2,000 years.

Folks, if you don’t have these gifts that are included in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, and fire….ask Jesus, and please!…..ask  the Lord to help you get past that intellectual “form” of religion and into the depths of pure godly worship and POWER, and allow Jesus to infill you with His Spirit. You will know it when it happens, believe me! Don’t miss out on these wonderful gifts the Lord Jesus has for you and wants you to have simply because of man made doctrines and traditions of men….

I love you all!

A Christian Cult

The Road


This is a story about an experience I had at a Christian cult.

I was hitchhiking in eastern Pennsylvania back in April 1998 when this man and his son picked me up. When I got in the car, immediately, this guy gave me the creeps. I noticed a Bible on the dashboard, so I thought maybe he was a Christian.

We got to talking and he asked me why I was hitchhiking. I told him that I was hitchhiking from Iowa to New York; I wanted to visit David Wilkerson’s church at 51st and Broadway in Manhattan. I am a Christian and love to read the Bible, but when we would talk about Scripture and the things of God, everything this guy said didn’t seem right—it didn’t bear witness with my spirit.

So he said that he lived in a Christian community in Saugerties, New York—in the Catskill Mountains. He…

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Why Did Jesus Hate the Doctrines and Deeds of the Nicolaitanes? and why we need to know….


Revelation 2: (To the church at Ephesus)

6 But this you have, that you hate the deeds of the Nicolaitanes, which I also hate;

15 So you have also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes, which thing I hate.

16 Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them (the Nicolaitanes) with the sword of my mouth.

The mystery of what God detests is revealed as the most common form of church government found in almost every church and denomination. For 25 years I wondered what Jesus was speaking of.
The key is found in the meaning of the name itself, and results in people following “leadership”, rather than Jesus Christ. And so down the “broad way” we all went.

This is  “The error of the Nicolaitanes”.

Here is the truth:

“Nicolaitane” is from two Greek words “Nike” and “Laos”

The Greek word “nike” means “to conquer”…to dominate, overcome, manipulate.

It means the exercise of carnal hierarchial control, like the world.
It results in ruling by subjugation, dominion, and force or by position and title.

The word “laos” means “the people”, that is, the laity.

Thus we have by definition the deeds and teaching of those who conquer, dominate, manipulate, and “lead” the laity, or the people. What makes it difficult to identify the Nicolaitanes is that the labels changed. What Jesus faced were the pharisees, Saduccees, and Sanhedrin. He rebuked them for their deeds in Matthew 23 and pointed out their love of Titles, position, even their religious apparel.  

Why does Jesus “HATE” their deeds and doctrines?

Simply put, it puts men in the place of God, whether they be called the church board, elder, Senior Pastor, priest, or one of the many ecclesiastical titles. Clergy class (ministry) over laity (people).
 And it virtually guarantees the majority of God’s people never mature but remain part of their kingdoms to support, work for, and finance.

It fosters “respect of persons”, i.e. it breeds distinctions of division and position in the eyes of people resulting in favoritism and political maneuvering for favor and privileges within the body of Christ. –in direct opposition to what Jesus taught His apostles.  

Denominational, factious, competitive Christianity has given the church a hierarchial, professionalized, titled, system of church government foreign to scripture.

There is no Senior Pastor, Pope, cardinal, bishop, priest, monsignor, or denominational structure in scripture. There is no scripture giving any pastor-priest solo authority, headship, or rule over God’s people. There are no bishops overseeing pastors, arch-bishops, boards, or General Superintendents.

There are no formal titles or labels attached to any New Testament disciples including the obvious ones like the apostles.
There are no church boards, Assistant pastors, Co-pastors, associate pastors, or senior officials. There are no presidents, superintendents, youth pastors; there are no capitalized apostles, prophets, bishops, pastors, deacons, or elders. 

The word “pastor” is used only once in the New Testament and not even one Titled pastor, “Senior Pastor”, “Youth Pastor”, Reverend, or Bishop is named or titled. How many TITLED pastors are mentioned in your local phone book?

In Revelation 2, this is one of the admonitions for the people of God who have eyes and ears to overcome:  How do you “overcome” the Nicolaitanes?

In a great majority of instances it means walking out the “church” doors, going home, and asking God Himself to take their error and deeds out of our hearts. And it means NOT going to find another group that calls itself a church yet has the same error unless there is clear direction from the Lord.

God is so serious about this, He may have THEM kick YOU out! We have heard from many where this occurred. The clergy is not our enemy, they are part of a system unknowingly that works against themselves and the people they seek to save.

If this speaks to you, then read Ezekiel 34, and continue to Jeremiah 23. 
Peace and grace to you.


Posted by Rory at 10:10 PM
