Is Your Church Guilty of this Sin Against the LORD?

If it is, shame on your church, and shame on you for subsidizing and supporting it.

A place to help people to find understanding why church tradition and experience is often quite different from the simplicity of the New Testament. Is the phrase “go to church” ever stated in scripture? What about Titles and building-centered assembly? What is a 501c3 church? These are examples of practices needing examination and we hope will provoke thought and prayer among those the Lord is stirring and calling to a deeper consecration, and we want to encourage you to “hear ye HIM”.

The 501c3 Church is Not The Church

Is your church a government registered, non-profit 501c3 organization?
If you do not know what this means, please google “501c3 church” and find out.

What is amazing is the fact there is absolutely no need for a church assembly to register as a 501c3 corporation!  

There was Constitutional protection for churches for nearly 200 years and churches were just fine.  But in 1954 Lyndon Johnson pushed through the 501c3 law and churchesvolunteer for this snare to get tax benefits and deductions.  

Should we exchange our “giving in secret” for the benefit of a tax write off?

501c3 enrollment is OPTIONAL  and the supposed “benefit” of tax deducting and “legal protection from lawsuits” is but another way for the government to track and monitor you.

Some Biblical History might help us choose.
At the time of Christ, circa 30 A.D., there was agreement between the leaders of religious Israel and the government too. In fact, the Jewish religious system and leadership over God’s people were threatened by the Word and ministry of Jesus.

 Because they too were in agreement with the government of Rome  (whose symbol was (coincidently?) also the eagle), they feared the loss of their status, position, and authority.  

Notice what the religious leadership said:
John 11:48 If we let him thus alone, all men will believe on him: and the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation.

Because the religious leaders of Israel were corrupted by the love of money, position, and status, they sought to preserve the system from which they benefited.

Does this sound familiar? It should. The present system of “giving” in the church as  we know it benefits the modern clergy just as it did in Jesus’ time.
Jesus referred to paid  “hierlings”, and rightly so. 

The 501c3 church is in an un-necessary agreement, a marriage, a union, a contract, an “unequal yoke” with the state for financial benefit and state recognition.
As it was in Jesus’ time, the clergy and most “ministries” benefit most from the financial system imposed on God’s people. 

This agreement by law, conforms the church to IRS corporate law and requires the creation of:

  •  unscriptural church boards
  •  an unscriptural CEO (usually the pastor)
  •  unscriptural membership enrollment unscriptural recording of one’s giving for tax reporting
  •  and unscriptural submission to governmental regulation of what may or may not be taught  in the church assembly.
501c3 legal notes:1.”A corporation is a creature of the state… ” Its rights to act as a corporation are only preserved to it so long as it obeys the laws of its creation…” (Hale v. Henkel, 201 U.S. 43)2.”[A corporation is] an artificial person or legal entity created by or under the authority of the laws of a state.” Black’s Law Dictionary West Publishing Company, 1991; 6th Edition, page 3403. “A corporation derives its existence and all of its powers from the State and,therefore, has only such powers as the State has conferred upon it.

4. … the source of this power is the charter and the statute under which the corporation was organized.” Len Young Smith and G. Gale Roberson, Smith and Roberson’s Business Law, West Publishing Company, 1966, page 796

Romans 12:2New English Translation (NET Bible) Do not be conformed to this present world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may test and approve what is the will of God—what is good and well-pleasing and perfect.

As we conformed by agreement to 501c3 law, we volunteered to permit the state to have lawful authority over the churches.

By the way, the eagle is a symbol for a “beast” which is the nature of the unregenerate man, not the nature of the Spiritual man who is not of this world and is born again from above. In fact, Jesus spoke of his followers as having the nature of the dove, not that of the patriotic eagle.

Matthew 10:16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.  

Who are the wolves?

The scriptures tell us they are hierlings, leaders of God’s people that take authority, position, and their living from those under them.

The wolves have willingly become yoked to a worldly kingdom of rulers who are run by their spiritual head, i.e. satan.

Romans 13:1 Let every soul be in subjection to the higher powers: for there is no power but of God; and the powers that be are ordained of God.

 2) Therefore he that resisteth the power, withstandeth the ordinance of God: and they that withstand shall receive to themselves judgment.
We are non-political and do not believe in political salvation by ballot box or any political party. God will use evil people in politics to bring His people to their cross as He has done with His people over and over starting in Genesis.
The 501c3 is a physical-and lawful agreement that brings the “leaven of Herod” all the way to the pulpit.
It also turns a church into a non-profit business.
Under the guise of having the benefit of donations, tithes, and offerings being tax-deductible, churches have been snared by the government into a union with a satanically ruled system.
Most churches have become a denominational franchise, a family-run business, or a “non-profit corporation“.
Forgive my blunt assessment, but we will gladly and cheerfully give in secret and our Heavenly Father is far greater a rewarder than a tax write off.
Actions to take:1. Ask the Lord about the ideas and scriptures in this writing. IF you are persuaded,2.  Find out if your church-denomination or organization is a 501c3 corporation.
3. Renounce and disavow all unscriptural  legal “membership” (yokes) from churches and man-made organizations.
4. Ask the Lord where He would have you give and to whom apart from the manipulation and scripture perversions from people that personally benefit from the offering plate.
5. As God leads, you may need to repent and withdraw from an anti-christ beast system that has taken the church into captivity.
6. Be prepared for leaders who are part of the system to “explain” and justify these ungodly practices in an attempt to persuade you to stay.
7.  You can withdraw “membership” without leaving your assembly as it is the “system” we are departing from, not the church which is the spiritual body of Christ.

Forget The Church, Seek Jesus

My Dreams and Visions

I know that the title of this blog entry sounds weird but bear with me for a moment while I post the vision the Lord gave me 01/27/2013.  In the vision I saw people coming out of churches with books in their hands. The people were from many churches and the books that they were carrying represented the doctrine of their particular denomination. As they came out of their various denominations, the left the books at the church that they were leaving. Then I saw people gathering together from all these different denominations and begin to seek Jesus. Just Jesus and no one or nothing else, Just Jesus.

If you look at the Gospel of John it says the following:

I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one– I in them and you in me–so that they may be…

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My Experiences With Sleep Paralysis Demonic Attacks And The Spiritual War We Are All In

If you’ve ever had this happen even one time, you will never forget it. I had, once. One way or another, there’s a reason for everything. In this case, a woman who was actually a witch started coming to the church I was going to. Very telling this woman happened to be a “friend” of the pastor. This woman singled me out to be the object of her special hatred: I could just see it from her eyes. No one called her out. I believe now this woman was using word curses against me. Then, one night as I was fast asleep…I woke up, groggy, but aware of an evil, sinister presense hovering over me, that was seeming to try to settle down on me. Very sleepy, I began to speak in my spiritual language, (tongues), and then drifted back to sleep. The next thing I knew, I was awakened again by this entity….I can only describe this as the most evil, malevolent presence I have ever experienced before or after. This time, I jumped up out of bed, fully awake, and pretty angry and in full spiritual warfare mode…speaking strongly in tongues and rebuking the enemy. I knew this thing was from Satan, but wasn’t sure why or what it’s agenda was other than to kill me. Afterwards, I have thought this witch was the cause and origin of sending it to hurt of kill me. Do I know for sure that a demon would have had the power to kill me? I believe it could happen if a person was not a strong Christian and living in some besetting sin. Bottom-line, Christians need to stop being in denial about spiritual realities. Many people like to make a joke about such things and slough them off as if they didn’t exist. They do exist. The Lord Jesus said so. He had to deal with them…He gave us the power to deal with them and He expects it of us. If we don’t, we can then expect to be harassed by the powers of darkness in one way or another.

Jesus Truth Deliverance

Many of you reading this probably have experienced it at least once in your lifetime or know someone who has experienced it. You wake up suddenly from sleep and you try to move but can’t no matter how much you exert yourself. You may manage to slightly move your toes or some other body part but it is a struggle and you still can’t move your body. During an episode you may perceive an evil, malicious presence. You may feel utter dread. You may also have actually seen a shadow person or a shadow person with a hat or some other evil, demonic looking entity. You may have experienced some entity sitting on your chest or had an episode accompanied by an entity doing sexual things to your body. Some people have reported having someone’s hands over their neck choking them. Some have had heard mocking laughter.

Kendall_Jenner’s_Sleep_Paralysis_Is_Actually_Pretty_Common___The_Huffington_Post_🔊.pngLately, it has received…

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How Voice of the Martyrs Funded Abuse of Nigerian Orphans

While the donation money keeps rolling in….Voice of the Martyrs continues begging for more….and meanwhile has done nothing about this scandal. It’s past time VOM donors and supporters demand complete accountability across the board in the VOM organization. Watch the video and see for yourself what has been going on behind the scenes in Nigeria.

VOM supporters and donors….it’s your obligation to be good stewards of the money and support you give in behalf of the Lord Jesus Christ. 


God’s Word Is Real Medicine

Healing From Jesus

We originally posted this article a year ago. But because this site has  hundreds of new viewers now, and since so often viewers do not go back to previous years to read posts, we decided we should post it once more. This particular lesson is one of the most important lessons on the “Healing From Jesus” site, and we want to give the Lord every opportunity to reach people with its truth.

Exif JPEG“The Word As Medicine”
(Excerpted from Chapter Four of Healing Is For You!  by Sandra Conner)

Proverbs 4:20-22 says:

My son, give attention to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life to those who find them and health to their whole body.”

And Psalm 107:20 says, “He sent His Word and healed them.”

The truth contained…

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