Voice of the Martyrs, the Plot Thickens and the Scandal Continues to Unfold/ 2016

Spiritual Abuse Sanctuary

Voice of the Martyrs, the Plot Thickens and the Scandal Continues to Unfold- as scandals tend to do

Tom White in toupeeRecognize this guy on the left? This is Tom White, now deceased, the former director of Voice of the Martyrs, United States Headquarters in Bartlesville, Oklahoma. Tom committed suicide after being implicated in the molestation of a young 10 yr old relative. 

Why the dyed mustache and hair in the above picture? That’s what we’d like to know, as well as a lot of other mysterious unanswered questions about Tom.

This pic of Tom White, above, was taken during a tour of Iran and Iraq in the mid 80’s 

thumbnailThis is Tom White too aka Roland Lamb….out of disguise. You would never tend to think of a nerdy looking fellow like Tom White to be a pedophile, but looks can be deceiving.

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The New Age Mess Called the Message

Christians go astray and get into spiritual trouble reading “Christian Psychobabble” such as the Message. If they would just stay on the straight and narrow with the Bible, and listening and praying to Jesus, they wouldn’t deviate from His Righteous, but narrow path.

Absolute Truth from the Word of God

I have looked at The Message a few times in past years, and I saw it as a blatant perversion of God’s Holy Word. I just thought that someone tried to make the Bible “hip” or more relevant for our times. But now I am seeing clearly that this unholy mess is completely New Age. I will show the readers of this article why I know that The Message is New Age.

The Message has sold over 10 million copies!! The list of prominent people in the Christian world who endorse this evil work is beyond belief. The list of names will shock you. On the other hand, the endorsement by Rick Warren was expected. Not only does he lack discernment, but he is waging war on Christianity with his devilish “Chrislam.”

First, let’s start with the author of this mystical mess. His name is Eugene Peterson. He was the…

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