Victory Center Sexual Abuse Scandal

These churches, and Christian organizations that sweep their members child abuse and pedophilia under the carpet in order to “protect the church” and the offending member, as if the traumatized child didn’t matter, must come to understand they are criminally breaking the law, and can be sued and/or the leadership (so-called) arrested and put in jail. They are morally, spiritually and legally liable. As far as the law is concerned, they are legally obligated to report such abuse. See my comment below in the comment section.

Spiritual Abuse Sanctuary


I subscribe to a Google feed that sends me news of new church and spiritual abuses. Everyday there are at least two e-mails in my inbox with some distressing and shameful scandal. This time, it involves Victory Christian Center in Tulsa, OK….but only because one of the victims blew the whistle.

Not all church scandals involve a cult steeped in aberrant doctrines. Many of them involve churches similar to the one down the street from you and me. The ones that make the news are usually the ones that make it to court because someone filed a complaint. All too often, churches choose to keep their dirty linen inside the church walls. This in itself is a scandal, but one known only to God and to those who are scandalized, and hurt,  by the complacency of it’s members.

This is more than just my opinion as I’ve followed these church…

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North Korean Christians: Will Jesus say, “When I was Hungry, You Fed Me?”

I thank the Lord Jesus Christ that we still live in a country where we have access to good food, and won’t be killed for not worshiping a mere man instead of the Savior. I thank Him that I’ve never been this hungry.  I thank Him that here in America, we can help the least of these, our brethren, who are suffering lack, and living in an unbelievable nightmare. We can help! Heavens Family Ministries- Love Link to the Least of These- doesn’t have a large expensive headquarters so they can save money to place donations right at the points of need.
Dictator Kim Jong Il is portrayed as a god to the people of North Korea, even though millions starve due to his policies. Heaven’s Family provides food for North Korean followers of Christ…all of whom are enemies of the state.

North Korean Christians

Living in the most hostile nation on the earth can be a death sentence. Because of the North Korean government’s poor agricultural management policies and their reluctance to accept international aid, almost 4 million people (18%) of the population perished during the early 1990s due primarily to a lack of food. Severe shortages still exist inside North Korea, and many are driven to desperation.

Reliable reports have surfaced of children being abducted and killed for food. Others have testified of the sale of human flesh on the black market. Christians, considered enemies of the state, suffer more harshly than average citizens.

We received the following letter from inside North Korea.

Our life on this side is like going deeper and deeper into a mountain range: we live expecting it will be better every year, but faced with ever harsher reality, it cannot be explained with anything. Such a boundless misery, the whole population is suffering from starvation. That is, there is no compensation for struggle no matter how great; there is no profit in doing business. Consequently, beggars continue to increase in number on the street.

Occasionally, homes [become] empty overnight, and rumor goes around saying the occupants ran away somewhere. It is now common everywhere to disregard a person lying dead on the street and for no one to care. It is because such things happen too often. So, in the midst of this, it became possible not only for us to overcome this hardship, but also to share with those who are suffering around us.

Indeed, if God hadn’t helped us, we’d have become beggars now. We do not know how to repay your favors. We can only tell and pray to Him. We have experienced God’s marvelous works here. Truly we thank you.

Heaven’s Family is partnering with other ministries to serve our brothers and sisters in Christ in North Korea. We have purchased tons of food and other aid that will be delivered to underground believers whose names and face we may never know due to security reasons. We also help rescue some believers who have been put in dangerous situations. Through underground channels we help them escape to safety in South Korea.

Some might say a drop in the bucket is worth nothing, but that drop is literally saving hundreds of lives—and many drops together can make an ocean. This overwhelming need presents us with an opportunity to show our love for Jesus, who will one day say to the sheep on His right hand, “I was hungry, and you fed Me.”


Voice of the Martyrs Scandal: What Really Happened and Why it Matters


“One of the revelations after Rolland Lamb aka Tom White’s death, is the spiritual blindness and oppression that exists in Bartlesville.

The majority of employees, volunteers, regular donors and visitors come from Wesleyan, Mennonite, Quaker and similar backgrounds.

Mr. White was a “sanctified” member of the First Wesleyan Church in Bartlesville, OK. Like most executives and leaders at VOM, who also attend the same church, they are convinced that they have obtained “Wesleyan perfectionism.”

Growing up in Bartlesville, and attending that same church for many years, my family members were labeled with Wesleyan perfectionism, sometimes called entire sanctification, which was a view held by John Wesley that taught that Christians could to some degree attain perfection in this life. Wesley described it as, “…that habitual disposition of the soul which, in the sacred writings, is termed holiness; and which directly implies being cleansed from sin, ‘from all filthiness both of flesh and spirit’; and, by consequence, being endued with those virtues which were in Christ Jesus; being so ‘renewed in the image of our mind,’ as to be ‘perfect as our Father in heaven is perfect’ ( A Plain Account of Christian Perfectionism, p. 12). Furthermore, “In this is perfection, and glory, and happiness: the royal law of heaven and earth is this, ‘Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all they heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength.’ The one perfect good shall be your one ultimate end”. Lastly, perfection is “deliverance from inward as well as from outward sin” and “a Christian is so far perfect as not to commit sin”.

When Mr. White committed suicide, an entire ministry, congregation, denomination and even collegiate system was shaken to the core of their beliefs. They were faced with a clear choice in their theological belief, either Mr. White was a skillful and venomous pretender in the faith or he was innocent of the allegations brought against him. For those that adhered to the Wesleyan doctrine tightly, there was no middle ground.

Those who chose to believe he was innocent, bought into a lie to protect their way of thinking and avoid the possibly difficult task of looking deeply into oneself and acknowledging that even now, many of their own actions aren’t just “mistakes” but they are indeed “sin” and they can not be perfect or sanctified here on earth. Further, it meant the way they have treated people in the past, using scripture to rip into people with “Truth” isn’t justified. The plank in one’s eye must be removed first before one earns the right to be heard in “Love.”

Those who chose to believe the allegations, challenged the teachings of the church and VOM and were shot back at with an oppressive spirit. “It’s not our story to tell,” “We don’t know what really happened in action or in his heart.” “It’s not your place to judge.” “We need to move on so that the fellowship with those who are persecuted, can continue.” That message forced followers back into their own cage of spiritual slavery where only “works” matter.

This spiritual oppression is spread even further by an unholy trinity of organizations in Bartlesville: VOM, First Wesleyan Church and Oklahoma Wesleyan University.

Many political conservatives have rallied in immediate support of Mr. Piper in his meticulous and meteoric thrust into the FoxNews spotlight recently as seen here:

The most tragic piece of this story, is that the student isn’t even aware who Dr. Piper is referring to in this rant. Mainly because the account has been so twisted, it’s not even a real account. This was a calculated opportunity taken in conjunction with Dr. Piper’s relationships with Ted Cruz and Jim Bridenstine to further a specific world view agenda as both candidates use OKWU as a springboard for their campaigns. Dr. Piper tells of a student that approached him stating that he felt uncomfortable with the message to love like Jesus. The reality of the story is that the student didn’t approach Dr. Piper at all. In fact, most students, like I did, avoid him like the plague. He is pompous and self-serving and reminds no-one of Jesus, especially in his $350k home. The student approached another faculty member, Kyle White (interesting last name, don’t you think), convicted by the Holy Spirit and sincerely seeking advice, said something to the effect, “I don’t know how anyone can love like Jesus on their own. I really struggle with that.” That’s all Dr. Piper needed to create a story and get on the news as the “non babysitting college.” That story has amplified into the perfect media opportunity for him, his choice of candidates, and his school.

Dr. Piper’s executive assistant resent resignation has now turned into a public retirement in another attempt to manipulate and coverup a story.

So back to our previous conversations… Ronald Lamb aka Tom White committed suicide, living under an oppressive version of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He molested a little girl and by all appearances, he struggled with that sin throughout his life. He was never able to confront or gain victory over that sin because of the oppressive, self-serving, mutation of the Gospel practiced at VOM, First Wesleyan Church and Oklahoma Wesleyan University. It would not surprise me if there were others, in the same or similar traps that can’t get out.

Recent claims of financial fraud by the financial manager at First Wesleyan Church has caused him to quietly set down. The athletic director of the High School connected to First Wesleyan Church has stepped down after making false claims and unable to account for athletic funds.

All this while the Pastor of First Wesleyan Church quietly waits his turn to take Max’s Colaw’s position as District Superintendent upon Max’s retirement.

Are you aware that VOM does not allow typical Christmas decorations in their facility? Of course, Santa’s and reindeer are not present; but even bows, colored lights, celebratory decorations or drawings from kids, are seen as unnecessary excesses by the VOM President and First Wesleyan Church member.

The President for all his “service” traveling and taking pictures, is set for life with his six figure salary and tens of thousands of dollars in bonus payments over the last several years. These excesses received from the hearts of widow who may donate half her social security checks and eat Ramen noodles each month so that they can help the persecuted in other countries.

The Enlightenment Continues….”


Tom White: Voice of the Martyrs New Headquarters-Your Donation $$$ at Work

Spiritual Abuse Sanctuary

The Question arises, who actually benefited the most from the construction of this massive, and lavish “headquarters”; the suffering persecuted church, widows and orphans, or Bartlesville, Oklahoma? Bartlesville, is a city of about 35,000 population and the headquarters of the Conoco Phillips Petroleum giant, which previously has been the major employer in the area. Now, with the building of the new VOM Headquarters, VOM has become the 2nd largest employer in Bartlesville, so obviously, Bartlesville is the entity benefited most by the VOM presence in the area. Not just the VOM building and Bartlesville employees, but the traffic coming into the area by volunteers and visitors. Many Bartlesvillans, also sit on the board of directors, even prior to Tom White’s suicide. 


Above is an image of the large new VOM headquarters, andpictured below is the view of the back side of the new Voice of the Martyrs facility…

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The Judas Pope…..Servant of The Ten Kings

The Lord plainly said without mumbling, not to yoke ourselves with unbelievers. Yet, the Pope, wants the European women, to marry these Muslim refugees. Catholics, who are you going to believe, the Pope, or the Lord? make no mistake, your choice is going to be eternally significant. Choose wisely. Obey the Lord Jesus commandments.
“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? 15And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?

16And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

17Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,

18And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.” 2nd Cor. 6:14-18

I Am Not Ashamed Of The Gospel Of Christ!

  Taken under a low Januray morning sun (0800). View from the south

No, I am NOT a Roman Catholic “basher”. Just to put your mind at ease.  Just a few points to consider.

The problems in that organization are notorious and rampant. Everyone knows about them and even some Roman Catholics are uncomfortable with some of them.  Too many additions to the Faith ONCE Delivered ( Jude 1:3 ), and too many subtractions from the same Gospel !

But I am speaking here specifically about the continuing stream of  blasphemous and totally NON-Christian remarks coming out of this Pope’s mouth!

He most recently has compared the Daesh / isis, to The Lord JESUS sending forth the Apostles and Disciples into all the world to make Disciples of all nations!! 

This is a completely insane and OBVIOUSLY inaccurate statement!  Even worldly people can see this!

It seems that the Pope is making these statements at the DIRECTIVE of someone other than himself…

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Heavens Family-Ministry to Persecuted Christians

Spiritual Abuse Sanctuary


Persecuted Christians Ministry


Pastor Prabhudass was walking home after performing a wedding ceremony when he found himself surrounded by an anti-Christian Hindu mob who told him, “We don’t want your Jesus in our village.” They attacked and brutally beat him, leaving him for dead in a ditch along the road.

Thankfully, some people walking along the road heard the sound of his groaning and called the police. He was rushed to the hospital and his life was saved. But he suffered serious head concussions and both of his hands were broken. At the time of this writing he is waiting for further tests regarding internal injuries.

This was the second time pastor Prabhudass had been attacked by a mob. Many Hindu people hate him because he is a powerful preacher who has planted thirty house churches in twenty villages of his region of Andhra Pradesh. He has personally baptized…

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Heavens Family-Ministry to Persecuted Christians


Persecuted Christians Ministry


Pastor Prabhudass was walking home after performing a wedding ceremony when he found himself surrounded by an anti-Christian Hindu mob who told him, “We don’t want your Jesus in our village.” They attacked and brutally beat him, leaving him for dead in a ditch along the road.

Thankfully, some people walking along the road heard the sound of his groaning and called the police. He was rushed to the hospital and his life was saved. But he suffered serious head concussions and both of his hands were broken. At the time of this writing he is waiting for further tests regarding internal injuries.

This was the second time pastor Prabhudass had been attacked by a mob. Many Hindu people hate him because he is a powerful preacher who has planted thirty house churches in twenty villages of his region of Andhra Pradesh. He has personally baptized over one-thousand new believers, most of whom were former Hindus.

Like most pastors in India, Prabhudass has no medical insurance, and his current bill had run up to about $2,000, a huge sum to him. Heaven’s Family (that’s you!) was honored to follow the example of the Good Samaritan and pay his bill.

It has been estimated that 200 million Christians in the world live with the reality of severe persecution, such as threat of imprisonment or violence for following Jesus, while another 400 million believers face non-trivial deprivations of liberty. Your gifts will help us assist members of our spiritual family who are suffering because of persecution for their faith, like pastor Prabhudass.

Note from Scarlett: There are other ministries such as this one, Heaven’s Family, that are totally devoted to  serving the Lord Jesus Christ that are truly evangelical, who have no eccumenical agenda written into their newsletters and service.

Please check out this worthy cause and pray about your stewardship. And may the Lord Jesus Christ increase you and prosper you as your soul prospers.  I LOVE that name, “Heaven’s Family”, don’t you? Cos, that’s what The LORD wants us to be. Amen!





Voice of the Martyrs Hires Convicted Embezzler as Vice President

Meet Stephen J Lindquist, VOM’s Vice President.To all those donors who are still supporting Voice of the Martyrs financially, please ask yourselves why Voice of the Martyrs would hire a convicted embezzler to work at VOM and then name him as a Vice President.  Besides this mugshot of Mr. Lindquist, something seems to be wrong with the picture at Voice of the Martyrs. Where did they even learn about him?

off_lookup.get_image #2

The following is taken from an Open Letter Richard Wurmbrand’s son, Michael, posted on the Internet in protest of  Voice of the Martyrs operations: 


      • All of the above occurred while, at the same time… Without any reasons proffered, they sent a termination of employment letter to me, Richard Wurmbrand’s son, who founded the mission, four days only after I asked for an independent investigation of the expenses and travels of the suicidal and suspected pedophile past chairman of VOM, USA.”

A former Globe-News employee pleaded guilty Wednesday to two felony theft charges linked to embezzlement of company funds.

Former Production Director Stephen John Lindquist pleaded guilty to two counts of theft over $20,000 but under $100,000. District Judge Abe Lopez of 108th District Court sentenced Lindquist to 10 years of probation and ordered him to pay restitution totaling $90,789.38.

Lindquist, 45, paid $10,000 toward his restitution Wednesday.

A Potter County grand jury indicted Lindquist on the two theft charges last year.

One indictment alleged that Lindquist unlawfully exercised control over U.S. currency valued at between $20,000 and $100,000.

The indictment alleged the theft was part of a continuing course of conduct that began June 8, 1999, and continued until Aug. 14, 2002.

The second indictment alleged Lindquist unlawfully exercised control over U.S. currency valued at between $20,000 and $100,000.

It alleged the theft also was part of a continuing course of conduct that began Feb. 22, 1999, and continued until Sept. 20, 2002.

Assistant 47th District Attorney Adrian Castillo said the thefts involved two schemes. One scheme involved falsifying invoices paid to a company owned by Lindquist’s father, and the other involved improper receipt of funds from recycled scrap metals, Castillo said.

The charges are third-degree felonies punishable by two to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000.

Lindquist, accompanied by attorney Charles Rittenberry, agreed to pay restitution over a 10-year period and told the judge he understood the plea would cover all claims involving the Amarillo Globe-News.

Lindquist, who had no previous criminal record, also submitted a restitution schedule to the judge but said he would increase his monthly payments if he is financially able.

“If I can do more than that I will do so,” Lindquist said.

Globe-News Publisher Les Simpson said he was glad to have the case resolved.

“I’m glad we are ending this sad chapter of the Globe-News. Justice was served and now we’ll move on,” Simpson said. “I’m very appreciative of the hard work of the district attorney’s office to help us on this case.”


As a Christian ministry necessarily required to be accountable to it’s supporters, who through their donations account for 95 % of Voice of the Martyrs revenue, should they not want to be very careful, as well as frugal, in the handling of all the donor’s contributions?

In any case, the bible we and they go by says this:Abstain from all appearance of evil.” 1st Thessalonians 5:22

And frankly, this doesn’t look good for VOM.

Voice of the Martyrs: a Servant’s Heart or Whitewashed Tomb?

This is only a partial view of VOM’s United States Headquarters, a massive and very extravagant layout to say the least, to act as “Servants of the Persecuted Church”.

New Voice of the Martyr building, Bartlesville, OK in the US

New Voice of the Martyr building, Bartlesville, OK in the US

Let’s take a closer look at where the donations of the faithful are going:

Voice of the Martyrs Inc. is a Christian Religious Organization in Bartlesville, Oklahoma. In 2015, it received its exempt organization status from the IRS and now brings in $43.8M in annual income, primarily through contributions. With $53.4M in assets, the organization is one of the largest of its kind in the United States.
The average Christian Religious Organization brought in 2.875% less income in 2013 than they did in 2012. This organization however, saw a 2.11% increase in income in 2013.
The organization paid out only $17.6M in grants in 2013. All of the money went to organizations or individuals outside the United States.
In 2013, Voice of the Martyrs Inc.’s expenses remained flat from the previous year.
In 2013, this organization filed a Form 990 with the IRS, reporting $39,884,890 in total expenses. Note that this expense amount differs from the $37,473,139 in functional expenses reported on Part I, Line 18 on the Form 990 return, as non-functional expenses are added back in.
The same Form 990 filed with the IRS, reporting $43,837,958 in income. Note that this income amount differs from the $41,426,207 in revenue reported on Part I, Line 12 of the Form 990 return, as non-functional expenses are added back in.
The organization was not required to file a Form 990 for the most recent tax year.
Like most Christian Religious Organizations in its peer group, Voice of the Martyrs Inc. is funded primarily through contributions. The organization is highly dependent on this type of funding, as it accounts for 95% of total income.
On the Form 990 filed with the IRS in 2013, The Voice of the Martyrs Inc. paid $111,588 to Web Direct, an advertising company, with the business address of P.O. Box 141078 Dallas, TX 75214.
On the Form 990 filed with the IRS in 2013, The Voice of the Martyrs Inc. paid $470,017 to The Jordan Group, an advertising company, with the business address of P.O. Box 141078 Dallas, TX 75214.
On the Form 990 filed with the IRS in 2013, The Voice of the Martyrs Inc. paid $686,353 to Maestro Technologies, Inc., a technical support company, with the business address of P.O. Box 141078 Dallas, TX 75214.
On the Form 990 filed with the IRS in 2013, The Voice of the Martyrs Inc. paid $1,427,041 to Jordan Media, an advertising agency, with the business address of P.O. Box 141078 Dallas, TX 75Each of these companies is linked to a common owner and consultant at the time, Steve Cleary. As a consultant, Mr. Cleary directed the decisions of the VOM Executives to use his companies for the newsletter design, content, and the technology to process donor funds. Steve is now an employee of VOM and still profiting from VOM’s use of his companies. VOM is no longer required to file Form 990, so 2013 is the last year this level of detail is available. However, $2,694,999 of donor funds paid in a single fiscal year to a consultant with influence to direct funds to his personal companies is a giant red flag.

Voice of the Martyrs, the Plot Thickens and the Scandal Continues to Unfold/ 2016

Voice of the Martyrs, the Plot Thickens and the Scandal Continues to Unfold- as scandals tend to do

Tom White in toupee

Recognize this guy on the left? This is Tom White, now deceased, the former director of Voice of the Martyrs, United States Headquarters in Bartlesville, Oklahoma. Tom committed suicide after being implicated in the molestation of a young 10 yr old relative. 

Why the dyed mustache and hair in the above picture? That’s what we’d like to know, as well as a lot of other mysterious unanswered questions about Tom.

This pic of Tom White, above, was taken during a tour of Iran and Iraq in the mid 80’s 



This is Tom White too aka Roland Lamb….out of disguise. You would never tend to think of a nerdy looking fellow like Tom White to be a pedophile, but looks can be deceiving.

The following comment and information was sent to me by an individual on this post , in the comment section,  who obviously has taken the time to do some research regarding some of the things that Voice of the Martyrs has kept out of the public venue. I personally prefer ministries to be transparent in their dealings with the public, especially when said public happens to be Christians who are supporting ministries with their hard earned donations.

“Police records in Washington County OK indicate that Tom White had been caught and identified as a peeping tom in years past.

Walter Thomas White legally changed his name to Rolland Lamb administered by a judge in Washington county. Before 9/11, Tom traveled internationally under both names.

Tom often traveled alone for weeks at a time without checking in at work or home.

Tom confessed to his predatory actions before his suicide. The allegations that led to his suicide were against a family member.

Images of young latin american girls with lolly pops and skype accounts were found on his laptop before being wiped.

His body was found by a VOM employee. The body and items found around the body were altered by VOM employees under the direction of VOM executives before police arrived. Evidence was removed.

The death certificate on record was issued under the name of Walter Thomas White and not Rolland Lamb. Was debt or assets ever accumulated in the name of Rolland Lamb? Were crimes ever committed under that name? Was insurance fraud committed?

Still so so much secrecy and no transparency from an organization that has a $55-$60 million budget annually. International staff fly first class on their way to “minister” to those with nothing but Faith.”


Scarlett Note: Hopefully there will be more information on this forthcoming in the days ahead.

More on Tom White in the link below from a couple years ago: