Hephzibah House of Horrors


I believe the testimonies of these girls. Their stories deserve to be told, over and over if need be, until the perpetrators of such abuses get the message that their abuses against these girls will be shouted from the housetops, with them exposed and hopefully punished, and/or jailed, and then hopefully these types of  crimes will cease to exist.  I have a real problem with pastors, individuals, churches…..anyone…. who abuse other people in the name of God, and I will tell about it whenever I can. That’s what I love about the Internet…finally, these best kept secrets….. crimes done “in the name of God” are being exposed, and victims are coming forward to tell their stories and put the spotlight on the abusers.

Soon, I hope to do a post on similar abuses within so-called ministries for boys and men. 

The following is a HUGE list of survivor statements and testimonies of the girls who’ve been in Hephzibah House, and I seriously doubt if this even begins to skim the surface:
