Spiritual Abusive Woman Hating Preacher Edwin Young Derailed!

You Tube Video of So-called “pastor” Edwin Young brow-beating and berating a woman from his bully pulpit.  No wonder people are leaving the churches in droves these days. This man exhibits none of the fruits of the Spirit, nor does he bear any resemblance to the Lord Jesus Christ, or his gentle nature and characteristics. He does however more closely resemble the ravening wolves that the Apostle Paul tearfully described that would enter in amongst the Lord’s flock after Paul’s death.

A very godly man, a pastor himself, once told me, “When a wolf preacher gets control of a church, it will always come down to two things in the end, sex and money”. Meaning that when that man feels confident and arrogant enough, he will begin sexually abusing women, girls, or sometimes young boys. I believe it because that very issue has become epidemic in churches all over America in this hour.

This needs to be exposed and stopped by Christians who will stand up and demand accountability in their leaders. The Bible says that judgment must begin first in the household of God.  I personally feel it’s God Himself that’s drawing the line on these wolves. In recent days we’ve seen one preacher after another being arrested or kicked out of churches for sexual misconduct among members, including minor children.

One of the things that greatly disturbed me in listening to these videos is the cheering on of the men in the congregation as this fake pastor trash talked the women. And the women, apparently not wanting to labeled “one of those lesbian spirits” would clap and shout too. These people have been brainwashed and groomed to accept mistreatment as well as a false doctrine of legalism and hate.

“Come out from among them, and be not partakers of their sins, or their plagues”





“This is an attempt to give the reader a feel for the preaching style and manner of Edwin Young, ex-pastor of the Faith Tabernacle Apostolic Church in Junction City, Kansas. It is to allow you to hear for yourselves, and not just take our word for some of the things he said and did. Edwin Young resigned amidst scandal and accusations of alleged immorality with a number of younger (of age) women, as well as financial accusations, in early August 2012. (To read about that, click here. To read a compilation of the rules at the church, click here.)

An untold number of people from this church have been hurt in one way or another over the years. People would believe whatever Edwin Young told them about a person or situation. They would stand and cheer him on when he would come down hard on homosexuality or fornication, or when he would tear into a member from the pulpit…and sometimes even a visitor. A number of people who left the church under his pastorate were pegged by him as homosexuals or fornicators, among other things. Members believed what he told them. Those who remained were subject to a number of rules and standards. Members were encouraged to report those they saw breaking any rules and the pastor would follow-up by confronting the offending party, whether the accusations were confirmed or not. This was considered ‘testing the person’s spirit,’ or ‘breaking them.’

Also included are two videos of Jordan Young preaching (son of Edwin Young, who was arrested on alleged sexually related charges with minor boys between 2008 and August 1, 2012) and one of Nathan Dudley, the new pastor of Faith Tabernacle Apostolic Church.

Berating Members During Service

According to numerous reports from people, Edwin Young would periodically berate people from the pulpit during his sermons, as well as privately. Below is an example of this, shown in three videos. Part one shows the context of when it happened and as such, includes part of his sermon before he tears into a female member of the church. Part two is the majority of his rant and part three is the very end where he finally returns to his message. You need to at least watch parts one and two in order to see how he would be. If the audio bothers you too much, turn it off and just watch. We have included the complete transcript of the part where he rants in the videos. It may also be read here.”






28 comments on “Spiritual Abusive Woman Hating Preacher Edwin Young Derailed!

  1. Scarlett says:

    Note from Scarlett: To the readers here on this post, and to those who may belong to “Pastor” Dudley’s church or to the former “pastor” Young’s, I would encourage you to read, ponder in you’re hearts and pray about some of the most recent articles on this blog, including from the link below, which have been posted in the love of Jesus for his children, and for mine, in the hope and prayer they would begin to “see” and understand the Truth in His Word: https://spiritualabusesanctuary.wordpress.com/2013/08/06/starting-a-church/

  2. Scarlett says:

    Ma’am, You haven’t “struck” a nerve with me. My entire thrust on this blog is about exposing the truth about the apostate church, as well as the spiritual abuse that goes along with it….and it’s entire apostate false Nicolaitan system, so that others who have been led astray and spiritually abused by this system will be brought out of bondage and set free by the Lord Jesus Christ as He intended when he set up the first early church. Comments such as yours gives me the opportunity to do this, and to illustrate the mindset that locks people into bondage to this system. Jesus church bears NO resemblance to the modern day system, which by the way, was never run by “pastors” one man band overlord system. I guess you haven’t taken the time to study what others, (not me), have to say about “pastor” Dudley: http://www.spiritualabuse.org/experiences/lawsuits/edwin_audio.html. It seems that others have been able to see through this, although there are some, perhaps like yourself, that as you say, will never be persuaded otherwise. This is unfortunate, because we are commanded to study the word to be approved by God, a workman, RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH, not to approve of, or be in bondage to man made doctrines and traditions of men that make the word of God of none effect. It is my fervent prayer that Christians everywhere will begin to read the word of God for themselves and be led by the Spirit so that they will begin to understand that where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. The Lord revealed this to me in this fashion, not because I was “burned” by the apostate church, but because I was seeking His Truth. Praise God! By the way, the Bible says nothing about pastors leading congregations anywhere in the New Testament. The order of Jesus church puts pastors in a much lesser status, not as teacher, apostle, or prophet, or “leadership” position over an entire group of Christians. Neither was it a paid position where a “pastor” was collecting a salary. Freely you have received, therefore freely give. That is your reasonable service as a servant or bond slave of the Lord Jesus Christ. It’s really very simple, and like I said before, nothing like the present day church system has morphed into, After all, who gave man the right to change what Jesus ordered? No one! Finally, please don’t be so sure that I don’t “understand” and pass what I say off as misdirected or ignorant. Or, for that matter, that what I’ve shared here is either “slander or mudslinging”. When something is truth, it’s not slander. The Word says to have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather expose them. http://www.wickedshepherds.com/ChapterI.html I sincerely hope that others will be blessed by the articles posted on this link. Scarlett

  3. Scarlett says:

    Madam, I don’t know “Pastor Dudley in real life, other than his preaching, and from what I’ve heard, I heard enough to know he’s off on his doctrine, trying to convince the “laity”, that they must have a pastor to follow God, or be led by
    God. That flies in the face of everything I know about how a true shepherd should be leading the people of God. You obviously personally hold Pastor Dudley in very high regard, but I have learned to listen very carefully to what comes out of a persons mouth, especially when it concerns something so serious as teaching the Word of God. You cite the scripture, “Follow me as I follow God”. First of all, it was the Apostle Paul who said that. And Paul was following Jesus, not puffing himself up, or demanding to be an overlord of the ekklesia. To attempt to hammer into the very Body of Christ that they must submit to a pastor smacks of the doctrine and deeds of the Nicolaitans, the very thing that Jesus said he hated. This very thing has been the downfall of the church which has perpetuated this doctrine down through the years and made it into a man made doctrine and tradition of men that have made the Word of God of none effect. Jesus told his disciples that the rulers and authorities of the gentiles ruled over men, but He said, “It shall not be so among you”.
    Also, the word pastor was only mentioned once in the New Testament, behind apostles, prophets, and teachers. When, incidentally, was a “pastor” in the NT ever called to preach, teach, or be the whole shebang, as most pastors seem to feel is their job in most churches nowadays? In fact, God didn’t have very many good things to say about pastors, or shepherds. A good word search in the Bible Gateway will verify this. I believe the Word plainly permits naming names and calling out heresy, and exposing and warning people to be alert to false teaching and error. Finally, I agree with the scripture posted by a previous commenter, ““Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, serving as overseers–not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not greedy for money, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.” 1 Peter 5:2-3 NIV 1984. With a special emphasis on not lording over those entrusted to you. You may not agree with this, and that is what it is for you to decide and be responsible for, as I must be as well. However, I would like to hear from some of the other Christians who’ve sat under this man’s teachings and hear what they have to say. May Jesus bless you and peace and truth be multiplied in manifest ways. Scarlett

    • A Concerned Christian says:

      Hmm. Well, I see I hit a nerve. “Lady”… wow. Anyway. What confuses me so much is how people dissect the Word of God for their own preference instead of taking it simply as it is. There are many many references in the Bible of pastors leading their congregations. I am sorry if you have been burnt by wolves in sheep’s clothing for there are certainly plenty enough of them unfortunately such as in this case, but that does not take away from the government that God has established in His church. I do not care to battle with you on what is doctrine and what is not, because I will not be persuaded otherwise and neither will you so that is a waste of breath and time :-). I will simply reiterate the main reason I even took the time to comment on this… subject. Pastor Dudley as well as other ministers are wonderful men, working for God, shoudering burdens no one else sacrificed the time to shoulder and is persevering to help broken and bruised people. Your rant on Mr Young is merited, but to slander and throw mud on someone who is trying to help people is unfair and misdirected. Just because you don’t understand or agree with something, does that give you a right to try and tear down an innocent person? How would it make you feel if I began tearing down your character just because of my own opinion? If you were honest you would say it would hurt. I am very proud of Pastor Dudley for stepping in and helping in any way he can with the circumstances he has been given. For trying to help people and to encourage them when they are down. You should be too! Aren’t we as humans supposed to help one another? This is a wonderful example of God’s love! Just because you don’t agree with the method, please don’t tear him down. If I have offended you it surely was not intentional. I am just asking for a little respect for the good men trying so hard and sacrificing so much for the sake of people and their well being. Thank you 🙂

  4. A Concerned Christian says:

    I would like to bring the other side of the coin to this story. I do not attend this church and never have, but I did know the former pastor and also am very familiar with Pastor Dudley. No, I do absolutely NOT agree with tearing people down or berating and belittling people. That is not scriptual, nor is it godly in any manner. HOWEVER you must understand that in Pastor Dudleys case, he is required to preach the Truth, not to sugar coat the Bible and tiptoe around sin. The Bible absolutely does say “follow me as I follow Christ.” To say it does not is untrue. The Biblical principle of following a TRUE (emphasis on true here) man of God can be found and expounded on in many places of the Bible. I totally agree that the actions of the former pastor were appalling and terribly disappointing, but that does not mean that preaching against sin is wrong or over the line. I do not like the critisism and negative tone placed on Pastor Dudley simply because he preaches with fervour. If you say you did not criticize would also be a false statement. You must understand that preaching can hide wolves, we have seen it in charismatic churches, holiness churches, cults, Catholic churches etc etc. You do not group all the ministers left after a scandal with “brainwashing” and being false do you? Do you really think its fair to place a judgment on a man based on 1/4 of a sermon you heard? I’m truly not angry, I just don’t think its right to throw a whole barrel of apples away and proclaim that they’re all bad when only one (I’m sure there have been more, I am just referencing this particular case) is rotten and has blemished others? Please be mindful of your tonality and words. Good people that abide in this faith and who love Pastor Dudley would be very hurt to read something casting a negative light on a man trying so hard to help hurting people. 🙂

    • A Concerned Christian says:

      I would like to add to this that if you can be misunderstood you will be AND that Mr. Young was not accountable to his pastor as he should have been. This is why Pastor Dudley came out of retirement, (a wonderful man of God that successfully built churches and has raised wonderful, godly children) to try and help people who have really been thru hell. We appreciate him contending for the Faith and for sacrificing his precious time with his grandchildren to go to a city away from his family and help people he doesn’t even know recover from such trauma. He is not alone, having the full backing and assistance from the church and a group of ministers sacrificing time and effort to hopefully see something good come out of a bad situation. Pray for that church, please don’t tear apart something you can’t understand :-). As for Mr. Young, there is no sympathy for him and his despicable crimes. May justice be served.

  5. “When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan.” Proverbs 29:2 NIV 1984.

  6. “Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, serving as overseers–not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not greedy for money, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.” 1 Peter 5:2-3 NIV 1984. Total abuse of power demonstrated by this man.

  7. Scarlett says:

    Reblogged this on spiritualabusesanctuary and commented:

    Where is Edwin Young now? Did he just take the money and run?

  8. Stephen Massawe says:

    While the enemy of the Truth is enjoying what is going in the Church I feel that we need to pray rather than attacking someone who has failed! What benefit is the church getting by rejoicing for one of our brother fail? Pray Church pray for the people of God devil has no people. Who knows God will restore Youngs that is what I believe.
    Stephen Massawe

    • Scarlett says:

      Stephen, this is twice now, brother that you have come to the blog and insinuated people here were rejoicing. In your last comment you said first that the enemy, (the devil) was “enjoying” what’s going on in the church. Then in the next sentence, you said “we” need to pray rather than “attacking”, then in still the next sentence, you use the word, “rejoicing”.

      Brother, if you will scan over the comments again, you will not see anywhere on this post about the Young’s where anyone is enjoying, attacking, or rejoicing over their downfall. On the contrary, the word tells us not to gloat when our enemy falls And whether you personally believe it or not, the Young’s had both made themselves enemies not only of the church, but of the Cross of Christ. Remember part of scripture where God honored the words of Paul several times rebuking such men who have slipped into the church.

      Pray for these people, yes, but please stop mollycoddling them, and making those who act as watchman out to be the villains. Doesn’t the Word of God say not to fellowship the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove them? When the sheep have been fleeced and left bruised, bloodied and beaten, the church needs to hold the perpetrators and spiritual abusers accountable.

      Please do not try to come to the blog and guilt trip us into total silence. I don’t believe that is conducive to the healing of the church. There may be some that are gloating and rejoicing over the fall of the Young’s but for the most part, what I have seen is grieving and sorrow mixed with relief that something has been done about it, but most of all, to learn from what happened so that it never happens again.


      Peace, Scarlett

      • Stephen, there is a huge difference betwen attacking someone and bringing something to light and/or denouncing some bad behavior. Labeling, name calling, or insinuating things without evidence or proof would be examples of attacking. Edwin’s sermon excerpt above could be considered attacking. Not this.

        I’ve heards others from Faith Tabernacle express concern that people were rejoicing over this. Anyone who rejoices over the things that have been alleged is sick. However, I am glad what has happened is finally known. I’m glad others won’t be molested, pushed to do unethical or immoral things, or brought into question because they refuse to remain silent when pressured that way. I’m glad others won’t face what I and others did. I’d be sick not to.

  9. Stephen Massawe says:

    I thank God for His Mercy and knowing all which is going around but I do have one comment for the Church. We need to pray for brother Young and hi family because this is the way devil works to destroy the church. I don’t know why people are rejoicing on this matter instead of kneeling down and pray for the ministers. God still loves Youngs and He is calling for repentance even for those who have not found yet.
    Pray pray pray church. Rejoice not when your brother falls.

    • Scarlett says:

      I agree Stephen. There is no cause to rejoice when a man, or a church falls. If ever there was a time to pray for the Church……or America, it’s now.

      The Blue and the Gray:

    • Scarlett says:


      See what I mean?
      This goes on day in and day out in America’s churches. The church is in the “falling away, apostasy” stage,just as the scriptures foretold. There is more to blame here than just this man Darrell Wayne Blair. He was sexually molesting this young girl for years, while at the same time he was preaching to the people in this church. And no one had the spiritual sensitivity to discern the wickedness going on? Or, while this man walked among them as a supposed “spiritual leader”?

      Yes, it’s not just that these preachers are failing, the church is failing for not recognizing the evil that walks among them. The church has become as carnal as some of these leaders. They are not spending time in prayer, or the Word of God. Do we not remember why the LORD GOD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. Was it not for it’s carnality, pride, and selfishness? Let us not boast that we will be raptured when there were only 8 people that were allowed to be on that other Ark. Jesus said the end would be as in the days of Noah. He described the same carelessness and carnality going on as in the days of Sodom, and in Noah’s day. Percentage wise, there will indeed be a remnant as in those days.

    • Scarlett says:


      See what I mean?
      This goes on day in and day out in America’s churches. The church is in the “falling away, apostasy” stage,just as the scriptures foretold. There is more to blame here than just this man Darrell Wayne Blair. He was sexually molesting this young girl for years, while at the same time he was preaching to the people in this church. And no one had the spiritual sensitivity to discern the wickedness going on? Or, while this man walked among them as a supposed “spiritual leader”?

      Yes, it’s not just that these preachers are failing, the church is failing for not recognizing the evil that walks among them. The church has become as carnal as some of these leaders. They are not spending time in prayer, or the Word of God. Do we not remember why the LORD GOD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. Was it not for it’s carnality, pride, and selfishness? Let us not boast that we will be raptured when there were only 8 people that were allowed to be on that other Ark. Jesus said the end would be as in the days of Noah. He described the same carelessness and carnality going on as in the days of Sodom, and in Noah’s day. Percentage wise, there will indeed be a remnant as in those days.

    • Lois says:

      No one here is rejoicing, Stephen. Quite the contrary. The more I have looked into the situation, the more concerned I become that there could potentially be many more who have been harmed. And in speaking with some former members since this happened, there are a lot of hurting people out there who are not connected to these more recent events. How about also praying for all those members, former and present, who were abused in this church by the ministry for years and years? Some who will have nothing to do with church today because of it…..

      • Scarlett says:

        ” How about also praying for all those members, former and present, who were abused in this church by the ministry for years and years? Some who will have nothing to do with church today because of it…”

        Different time, different church, Lois, but I was once of those wounded sheep that wandered bare pastures until Jesus rescued me and poured in the oil and the wine.

        The Lord is going some housecleaning.


    • “Pray pray pray church.” Amen. “Rejoice not when your brother falls.”
      “He who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work.” 1 John 3:8 NIV 1984. We should definitely pray for a brother or sister when they fall, but let’s make this clear: this man is not a brother.
      “As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let him be eternally condemned!” Galatians 5:9 NIV 1984.
      “Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. 6 Do not add to his words, or he will rebuke you and prove you a liar.” Proverbs 30:5-6 NIV 984.
      Could he repent and be reconciled unto God? Absolutely, but any nonbeliever can.
      “15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.” Matthew 7:15-20 NIV 1984.

  10. Scarlett, I attended that church for several years. There were many sermons warning us to ‘get right’, talking about the wrath of God, and so forth. We were told that these warnings were an expression of love, and that those in churches that taught ‘love, love, love’ did not really love at all, because they didn’t ‘preach against sin’ and therefore did nothing to prevent people from going to hell… all of which might seem almost justifiable, until one hears for themselves HOW those ‘loving’ warnings were expressed (as in the examples given), or realizes that as those warnings were going out, the pastor giving them may have been taking money from the church, was getting too closely acquainted with some young women in the church… or that his own son was allegedly molesting young men. Were those ‘warnings’ truly made in love, or were they meant to instill fear and manipulate? Jesus did warn people. But the harshest warnings were to religious leaders of that day, not the sinners and publicans.

    • Scarlett says:

      Amen and amen! You will know them by their fruits. I listened to some of Edwin Young’s preaching and I can tell you right now, this man was off, and did not exhibit the fruits of the Spirit nor the love of Jesus Christ.
      He was good at what he did, which was to pull the wool over the sheep’s eyes, and use fear and intimidation to control them.
      It says in the Word that judgment will begin at the household of God. Almost every day I get something in my inbox where some preacher has molested some woman, girl or boy. So, the truth is coming out…and judgment is falling. Like Jesus said, “The hidden things will be made manifest”…and they are.
      God bless you and the people in Junction City. It’s good to hear from you.


  11. Lois says:

    I have this blog linked to on three of the pages regarding this church. 🙂 Just discovered it today.

    • Scarlett says:

      My blog has been getting a lot of hits on the Edwin Young scandal, so you will be helping to get the word out! Your help is much appreciated.

      May grace and peace be multiplied to you and yours. I pray the people who have been victimized by Edwin Young and his son will be healed and delivered from whats been done to them,

  12. Lois says:

    Thanks for helping bring awareness to this situation and spiritually abusive pastors. The manner in which he, and some he often fellowshipped, believe regarding pastors helped to allow this type of atmosphere and mindset in the church. Have you listened to how he taught about pastors and how the current pastor also believes?

    • Scarlett says:

      Thank you Lois. If you would give some thought to writing and posting some links on that, I would certainly consider posting it on the blog.

      May Jesus Bless You,


      • Lois says:

        http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJYoMstWHWM&feature=plcp Is part of a sermon from the new pastor, made before he was voted in. (There are two other videos that come before this.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXYneDUk5Rc&feature=plcp is part of a sermon from Edwin Young, the previous pastor. These are all linked to from this page: http://www.spiritualabuse.org/experiences/lawsuits/edwin_audio.html

      • Scarlett says:

        Thanks Lois…I’m finding there is WAY too much of this type apostasy and abuse going on in the church. Not just there in Junction City, KS, but all over the United States.

        If any of the abused people want to come forward with their personal stories, I will publish them here anonymously changing names if they wish. These stories need to get out because this spiritual, sexual and other church abuses have been kept secret for far too long.

        You may post this on your local Forum if you wish.



      • Scarlett says:

        Lois, I just listened to the new pastor Dudley preaching on that first YouTube link you sent, and I was frankly appalled. Because the scriptures he was quoting was where the Apostle Paul was admonishing believers to “follow him and the other apostles”…NOT Pastor Dudley or other pastors. This is false teaching trying to get control of people by the preacher, and I don’t go along with it for one single minute. It’s manipulative, deceptive and just plain false.

        For one thing, “pastors” were never intended to be a “one man show” in churches. They were merely to be an overseer, keeping order in the church. The Holy Spirit ordained there should be a 5 fold ministry in the church to maintain growth of the saints as well as a system of checks and balances to make sure another Edwin Young doesn’t gain control shipwrecking many! But…I’m afraid this church has already let themselves in for more trouble with the hiring of this guy. However, if he can be hired, he can also be fired.

        Just remember, the lesser of two evils is still evil. Better to deal with it now, than after more damage has been done. As the saying goes, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me”.

        Better for the church to pray and fast until they hear from the Holy Spirit…until then, make no hard and fast decisions would be my advice for the church.


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