Steeple Houses…you can’t put God in a Box


This is obviously a picture of a bird cage with a steeple on top. Pretty fancy for a bird cage isn’t it?

Steeples are interesting; there are many theories about how steeples got started. Not on bird cages, but on the top of church buildings. I don’t think anyone knows for sure why, but the practice apparently goes back to the 600’s, undoubtedly with the Catholic church. The steeples, churches and then the cathedrals became bigger and more elaborate with time.  After the reformation began, the reformers unfortunately continued many of the Catholic practices, including that of putting steeples on top of their church buildings.  As time went on the practice diversified, as things always do in the world of men, and steeples were placed on top of Lutheran churches,  Baptist churches, Methodist churches, Presbyterian churches, etc; and so on, of every shape and size, large or small,  on every street corner in every town.


Well, you get the idea, and so the putting  of steeples on top of various church denominations became standard practice until fairly recently when church design took on a more modern look.



However, there is just one very important problem with all this………..God does not dwell in a house made with hands, never has, never will.

“The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands” Acts 17:24

There was a saying that became popular with church folks about 20 or so years ago, that went like this...”You can’t put God in a box”. This is a very true saying, however, these church folks were preaching this thing about God from the inside of boxes they had made for Him….called “churches”.

So, when mankind, thinking falsely to serve the Most High God by all this church building and steeple placing, in reality, all they have accomplished is  creating a bird cage for themselves. With or without a steeple….. that is a fact.
