Lessons from the Wilderness, Part One

What a powerful article! It mirrors my own experience to a T. I have no animosity toward those I left behind, but rather…I mourn and pray for them that the eyes of their understanding be opened.

Bread for the Bride


Wilderness….you’ve either been there, are there right now, or don’t want to go there….. ever!  I remember being taught the only safe place for a Christian was ‘in the fellowship of other Christians’, meaning a thriving church scene surrounded by people who dressed in the same clothes, spoke the same language, sang the same songs and apparently had their Christianity all sorted out.  Wilderness was a place for sinners, rebels and ‘lone rangers’ they said.

I was told that Christians were like burning embers that only remained on fire as long as they gathered closely together.  Remove one ember from the Body of Christ, they said, and poof! that ember would  grow cold and inevitably lose hold of their Christian faith.  I must admit it sounded logical at the time.  It was several years before I came to understand the Body of Christ is knit together not by physical proximity…

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