Tom White of VOM-Activist-Pragmatist-Not an Icon or Great Christian Leader

In this video interview from 2008, Tom White describes himself, and “we”, (meaning apparently,  his associates  who were also activists before joining up with the Wurmbrands), as a “bunch of activists, and  pragmatists.”

It’s true that activists and pragmatists can do much good work for a cause. They can also be very good business heads running a large company if they are gifted in that ability. In Tom White’s case, apparently he was.  I personally don’t believe he was ever intended to be anything other than that, an ministry head. Certainly not an icon, idol or great religious leader, per se. Those placed on pedestals by others have this nasty habit of toppling over and falling. This should be a lesson to those who insist on placing mere men in such precarious positions. If you have done that with your pastor, spiritual shepherd, Tom White or anyone…please repent of it, and do not repeat such a sin. Mankind has a flaw in his character that seems to want to be led by other men, where as God rightly deserves and even demands that honor.

Read the testimony…the need is real. The issue is, with VOM, there does need to be a corporate head to take the helm at this time. However, if VOM is indeed to continue as originally planned by Richard Wurmbrand, as a work of God, then does it not stand to reason that there should be a board of godly men to hold the corporate end accountable? And by that, I mean, not a board of men hand picked by the present leadership, but by a council. This may or may not happen. Hopefully, something similar should take place in the very near future.

Those who are in control of a situation are usually loath to relinquish even a small measure of power to a group of men, no matter how capable they may be. Mark Driscoll’s firing of his elders at Mars Hill Church is just such an example.

One can only hope the present leadership of VOM will see the need- and choose of their own accord, as was done in the Book of Acts, to provide oversight, to police, if you will, their own operation of the ministry, to keep it accountable before man, and most importantly, before God.