Voice of the Martyrs Scandal: What Really Happened and Why it Matters


“One of the revelations after Rolland Lamb aka Tom White’s death, is the spiritual blindness and oppression that exists in Bartlesville.

The majority of employees, volunteers, regular donors and visitors come from Wesleyan, Mennonite, Quaker and similar backgrounds.

Mr. White was a “sanctified” member of the First Wesleyan Church in Bartlesville, OK. Like most executives and leaders at VOM, who also attend the same church, they are convinced that they have obtained “Wesleyan perfectionism.”

Growing up in Bartlesville, and attending that same church for many years, my family members were labeled with Wesleyan perfectionism, sometimes called entire sanctification, which was a view held by John Wesley that taught that Christians could to some degree attain perfection in this life. Wesley described it as, “…that habitual disposition of the soul which, in the sacred writings, is termed holiness; and which directly implies being cleansed from sin, ‘from all filthiness both of flesh and spirit’; and, by consequence, being endued with those virtues which were in Christ Jesus; being so ‘renewed in the image of our mind,’ as to be ‘perfect as our Father in heaven is perfect’ ( A Plain Account of Christian Perfectionism, p. 12). Furthermore, “In this is perfection, and glory, and happiness: the royal law of heaven and earth is this, ‘Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all they heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength.’ The one perfect good shall be your one ultimate end”. Lastly, perfection is “deliverance from inward as well as from outward sin” and “a Christian is so far perfect as not to commit sin”.

When Mr. White committed suicide, an entire ministry, congregation, denomination and even collegiate system was shaken to the core of their beliefs. They were faced with a clear choice in their theological belief, either Mr. White was a skillful and venomous pretender in the faith or he was innocent of the allegations brought against him. For those that adhered to the Wesleyan doctrine tightly, there was no middle ground.

Those who chose to believe he was innocent, bought into a lie to protect their way of thinking and avoid the possibly difficult task of looking deeply into oneself and acknowledging that even now, many of their own actions aren’t just “mistakes” but they are indeed “sin” and they can not be perfect or sanctified here on earth. Further, it meant the way they have treated people in the past, using scripture to rip into people with “Truth” isn’t justified. The plank in one’s eye must be removed first before one earns the right to be heard in “Love.”

Those who chose to believe the allegations, challenged the teachings of the church and VOM and were shot back at with an oppressive spirit. “It’s not our story to tell,” “We don’t know what really happened in action or in his heart.” “It’s not your place to judge.” “We need to move on so that the fellowship with those who are persecuted, can continue.” That message forced followers back into their own cage of spiritual slavery where only “works” matter.

This spiritual oppression is spread even further by an unholy trinity of organizations in Bartlesville: VOM, First Wesleyan Church and Oklahoma Wesleyan University.

Many political conservatives have rallied in immediate support of Mr. Piper in his meticulous and meteoric thrust into the FoxNews spotlight recently as seen here: http://insider.foxnews.com/2015/11/30/oklahoma-wesleyan-president-everett-piper-not-day-care-it%E2%80%99s-university

The most tragic piece of this story, is that the student isn’t even aware who Dr. Piper is referring to in this rant. Mainly because the account has been so twisted, it’s not even a real account. This was a calculated opportunity taken in conjunction with Dr. Piper’s relationships with Ted Cruz and Jim Bridenstine to further a specific world view agenda as both candidates use OKWU as a springboard for their campaigns. Dr. Piper tells of a student that approached him stating that he felt uncomfortable with the message to love like Jesus. The reality of the story is that the student didn’t approach Dr. Piper at all. In fact, most students, like I did, avoid him like the plague. He is pompous and self-serving and reminds no-one of Jesus, especially in his $350k home. The student approached another faculty member, Kyle White (interesting last name, don’t you think), convicted by the Holy Spirit and sincerely seeking advice, said something to the effect, “I don’t know how anyone can love like Jesus on their own. I really struggle with that.” That’s all Dr. Piper needed to create a story and get on the news as the “non babysitting college.” That story has amplified into the perfect media opportunity for him, his choice of candidates, and his school.

Dr. Piper’s executive assistant resent resignation has now turned into a public retirement in another attempt to manipulate and coverup a story.

So back to our previous conversations… Ronald Lamb aka Tom White committed suicide, living under an oppressive version of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He molested a little girl and by all appearances, he struggled with that sin throughout his life. He was never able to confront or gain victory over that sin because of the oppressive, self-serving, mutation of the Gospel practiced at VOM, First Wesleyan Church and Oklahoma Wesleyan University. It would not surprise me if there were others, in the same or similar traps that can’t get out.

Recent claims of financial fraud by the financial manager at First Wesleyan Church has caused him to quietly set down. The athletic director of the High School connected to First Wesleyan Church has stepped down after making false claims and unable to account for athletic funds.

All this while the Pastor of First Wesleyan Church quietly waits his turn to take Max’s Colaw’s position as District Superintendent upon Max’s retirement.

Are you aware that VOM does not allow typical Christmas decorations in their facility? Of course, Santa’s and reindeer are not present; but even bows, colored lights, celebratory decorations or drawings from kids, are seen as unnecessary excesses by the VOM President and First Wesleyan Church member.

The President for all his “service” traveling and taking pictures, is set for life with his six figure salary and tens of thousands of dollars in bonus payments over the last several years. These excesses received from the hearts of widow who may donate half her social security checks and eat Ramen noodles each month so that they can help the persecuted in other countries.

The Enlightenment Continues….”


22 comments on “Voice of the Martyrs Scandal: What Really Happened and Why it Matters

  1. bobcat98 says:

    Your article explains much of what I have been thinking for some time now. The tentacles of Bartlesville and Wesleyan HQ in Fishers have circled the wagons around their prince Davey Blackburn since November 2015. The amount of deception they have supported to protect the image of perfection sorrounding the brutal execution of Amanda Blackburn is astounding and purely evil.

    • Scarlett says:

      I guess I’m not up to speed on this situation. Would you please send me some links, and info, especially how VOM has sheltered Davey Blackburn? Thank you and may Jesus bless you.

      • bobcat98 says:

        Scarlett, I don’t have direct evidence of VOM sheltering Davey, but he was filmed for a LightWorkers segment. The short version is that Amanda Blackburn was gravely injured on Monday 11/9/15, but the official story is that she was attacked and executed by three random burglars on 11/10/15. The case by Indy LE is flimsy and has thus far failed to convict a single burglar of her murder. There is so much to choose from, where to start…

        1) Why was it newsworthy for the Bartlesville paper to point out ALL the connections to Davey’s family after Amanda was murdered?

        2) The Indy LE case discovery is bordering on contempt. This facebook page highlights many discrepancies. https://www.facebook.com/AmandaBlackburnStatementAnalysis/photos/a.177115712703742.1073741828.155083181573662/484762658605711/?type=3&theater

        3) David Drury is the Chief of Staff for the Wesleyan Church HQ, and leaked out that Amanda was injured on 11/9/15.

        4) Mike Colaw blogged about Tuesday, but a comment leaks “Monday” regarding a prayer request that had been sent out.

        5) The LightWorkers video. https://www.facebook.com/LightWorkersOfficial/videos/1295477283895605/

      • Scarlett says:

        Knowing VOM hierarchies past history as I do, they will go to extreme lengths to protect their image, or anything else that would affect their money supply. If that included sheltering Davey Blackburn for whatever reason, they wouldn’t hesitate.
        It seems a far stretch to think that Davey Blackburn would kill his wife, or having anything to do with killing her, but it did strike me as very odd that he left the door unlocked early in the morning when he went to the gym, and then the murder took place while he was at the gym or supposed to be at the gym.
        The other odd thing is that the young man who allegedly murdered Mrs Blackburn got off with a plea bargain?
        If you are concerned about VOM, and you live in Bartlesville, you can find out a lot by visiting the Washington County Courthouse there and via the Freedom of Information act, do a lot of research. However, they have been so closeted about so many things, the truth of those things may never fully come to light. That is, until our Lord Jesus comes and makes the hidden things manifest.

  2. nita johnson says:

    This is the first time I have EVER heard such a things! I just tried to get on the VOM site to get some new about ” Sidra and her baby”.—and I got into all of this. God help all of you. How would you like for all of the world to go on like this about all of YOUR past sins? Where is your prayer life?—Pick it up, and use it—it will lead you to forgiveness–which leads to putting all of this our of your minds. God knows, all of these leaders, are people—just like you! Get over it! Put all of this in God’s wise hands—the enemy of all Christianity is gloating over the fact, that he has God’s people sidetracked on all of this gossip. Start serving Him–with all of your hearts, MINDS, souls, and strength. Blessings your way!

    • Scarlett says:

      If it were “past sins”, these could easily be forgiven. If the hypocrisy doesn’t bother you, go ahead and donate if that is what you are inclined to do.. But on the other hand, does it bother you at all that Michel, Richard and Sabrina’s son has issued a public letter to whom it may concern condemning the current VOM administration. This was after they outrageously and scandalously cut him out of having any say so in VOM, in spite of the fact that they still capitalize off his and his parents good name…..which keeps the donations rolling in which is what VOM has become all about.
      Google in Michel Wurmbrands letter to the public. It’s online as well as this.
      Lord bless you even if you don’t know what your talking about.

  3. Ebenezer says:

    Entire sanctification or perfection is possible and biblical. Matthew 4:48 John 17:17 1Thessalonians 5:23. BUT the experience is NOT an immunity against temptation. Temptation will still come. Unfortunately many christians today abandon or forget the necessity of keeping fresh spiritually hence a fall. Some also never have the experience but hold on to false claim for selfish reasons.

    • Scarlett says:

      I can see where this concept could be a real problem in most churches for several pretty obvious reasons. One of which would be “I have more fleece than you do and it’s much whiter as well” comparison syndrome. However, that isn’t unique to the Wesleyan church.

  4. Scarlett says:

    Posted on the Bartlesville, OK Topix forum….

    Voice of the Martyrs Scandal: What Really Happened and Why it Matters

    Yes, there has been a serious breech of donors trust. Concerning the huge amount of money involved and the people who are manipulating it, it would behoove every supporter, volunteer and donor to look deeply into the facts that have been laid out for all to examine, not simply the lavish and expensive sugar coated glossy newsletters and Internet reports.
    Please, for the Love of Christ our Savior…PRAY AND INTERCEDE!

  5. Joshua says:

    Continue the good work. I am certain my comments have made individuals very uncomfortable of late. I’m glad to be in the company of Christ while a new persecution begins. The police force in Bartlesville now follows me to and from work. I say that to acknowledge that I know I have been found out and Tom Holland is insecure enough to issue this Nazi like practice. It is quite interesting to me that it is Chief of Police Holland who built a reputation as a CIA agent but on 9/11 used that “service” to enhance his career as a security expert. The landed him roles with Philips66 whose world headquarters was based in Bartlesville and then on the Board of Directors at VOM. He continually asserts in public speaking opportunities based on VOM affiliation, that FBI representatives notified Philips66 and VOM that they were “on a list that targeted those two organizations the same day”. WHO ELSE HAS SEEN THAT DOCUMENTATION? No one, because it doesn’t exist. Tom Holland made it up! However, how much did he financially profit via consulting contracts with Phillips66 and VOM? It is Tom Holland that designed the security features of VOMs $39M (paid off) facility. features that includes a moat on the back half, and concrete pillars off of the main parking lot. Security guards actually carry guns, but as retired Tulsa police officers may need a 2 minute 45 second notice to draw a weapon in defense. However, the warehouse, where the real work is done… distributing news letters and orders, has no security. Tom Holland made his consulting fees, and is now back a Bartlesville police chief and memorable member of the “worlds worse bosses”. His jokes would make a navy sailor cringe. The ONLY way he is still on VOM’s board of directors is because he has dirt on Tom White a nd others in leadership on the board.

    I apologize if this seems like a rant. However, if VOM and Bartlesville continent to simply turn a blind eye toward VOM, OKWU and First Weslayan Christian school, then I will not back down.

    So, I need to end now and deliver some coffee and cookies to the officer hanging out on my street.


    • Scarlett says:

      Dear JL….are you saying that because of you’re going public with the information you’ve given to me about Tom White, and VOM, you’re now being surveilled? If that is the case, then it has to stop, lest these people intend to escalate this drama themselves with the end result of it going to 20/20 or another media agency. Just the kind of creepy small town scandal the media loves. It’s starting to sound like one of those Western B movies where the town sheriff ran things and had a bunch of thugs on his payroll. In this case the Bartlesville taxpayers are footing the bill, unless “someone” else is and the police are off duty cops.

      My, Bartlesville is such an evil town.

    • Scarlett says:

      You need to be careful…..very careful. I know you have history and some family in B’Ville, but you may need to move if that is possible.
      Anything you send me that lands here, and is not wanted to be posted publicly, make very sure I know that. I probably will, but just saying…

      I plead the blood of Jesus over you for your protection and that He will meet all your needs


    • Scarlett says:

      The battle rages on so many fronts….but the Lord Jesus Christ is your Champion and He will fight for you. We can trust Him no matter what’s going on. Praying for you my brother. Peace and Grace unto you in Lord Jesus name

    • bobcat98 says:

      Joshua, be glad you are not Gary Welsh. He was found dead in April 2016, not long after reporting on the murder of Amanda Blackburn in Indianapolis, whose husband Davey has very strong ties to the Wesleyan Mothership. http://advanceindiana.blogspot.com/search?q=blackburn

  6. Scarlett says:

    There will never be a better time to follow up the posted message by JL by posting a link from RJ Dawson, author of “Real Christianity”…In fact…Dawson’s post in it’s entirety. It fits right in with JL’s message.

    WHERE IS THE LOVE? Identifying Christian Pharisees

    “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” [John 13:34-35]

    How does one identify a real Christian Pharisee? Like their spiritual forebears of the first century, a Christian Pharisee is initially known primarily by one thing. And this one thing is both an indicator of such a person’s heart, as it is at the core of his or her being, but is also on the immediate surface, and often boils forward to said surface in a rapid flash which defies any possibility of impulse control.

    The first indicator of a real Christian Pharisee is therefore no secret whatsoever in that it reveals itself without restraint in all its unchecked fleshly power as it rises quickly for the kill in response to any perceived sleight or lack of absolute respect demanded by such a one for otherwise arbitrary reasons.


    They refuse to engage in any rational dialogue in the sense of arriving at greater truth because they believe they already possess all truth. They refuse and deflect any form of possible persecution by always beating the other person to said persecution and thus becoming the epitome of the persecutor. Their method is one of insistence that they are right, have always been right, and will always be right, and insist that anyone who doesn’t believe what they believe can just as soon go straight to hell.

    They believe with all their hearts that they have captured and possess the very top of the pyramid, that they are superior to all, and that all others must comply with their religion or belief system and every part of it, both in dogma and practice, or be remanded to a state of total rejection.

    They then project this attitude upon the “god” of their choosing and insist that “god”, their god, is absolutely on their side and only on their side and is also against the same people they are against. They will go to any lengths to destroy anyone who even slightly touches their massive sacred cows and golden calves as if simple murder is nowhere close to being good enough and doesn’t do proper justice to the immense offense perpetrated upon them.

    This very thing happened to the real God, the only God, the God of all Creation, when He showed up here as one of us, as a human being, to save us and set us free. Of course, they couldn’t touch Him until He willingly laid down His life on our behalf. Once He made Himself vulnerable, however, His enemies wasted no time in inflicting upon Him the very worst they could offer and if they had the opportunity they would have tortured Him and murdered Him many times over.

    It’s right there in your Gospels. It’s all over the New Testament. It’s infused throughout Christian history. It is why the real saints of the Lord always took it on the chin while doing the real work of the Lord and teaching the real Gospel. The incredible and completely unjustified persecution against them identified them as real disciples who acted out of love and for the truth, and it also perfectly identified the haters who would always rather gossip, slander, libel, and defame, and even murder, main, destroy, and generally go stark raving nuts in defense of their evil hearts and ungodly agendas.”

    “You serpents, you brood of vipers, how will you escape the sentence of hell?” [Matthew 23:33] [1]


    Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

    Love never fails… [1Corinthians 13:4-8]

    Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law. For this, “YOU SHALL NOT COMMIT ADULTERY, YOU SHALL NOT MURDER, YOU SHALL NOT STEAL, YOU SHALL NOT COVET,” and if there is any other commandment, it is summed up in this saying, “YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.”

    Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law. [Romans 13:8-10]

    © 2016 by RJ Dawson. All Rights Reserved.

    Real Christianity—The Nature of the Church

  7. Maria, a gentle iconoclast says:

    Thank you, Scarlett! The connection with the doctrine of sinless perfection makes sense of a lot of this, especially Tom White’s fall. Sound doctrine is so important! Essential.

    • Scarlett says:

      JL said: “So back to our previous conversations… Ronald Lamb aka Tom White committed suicide, living under an oppressive version of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He molested a little girl and by all appearances, he struggled with that sin throughout his life. He was never able to confront or gain victory over that sin because of the oppressive, self-serving, mutation of the Gospel practiced at VOM, First Wesleyan Church and Oklahoma Wesleyan University. It would not surprise me if there were others, in the same or similar traps that can’t get out.”

      And to Maria….Yes, sound doctrine is very important, but still, as the Word says, ultimately, we must all work out our salvation with fear and trembling. Tom White, in his position of authority and leadership, of all people should have taken that into consideration, yet he courted the Wurmbrands and allowed himself to head up the VOM organization. Not just that alone, but he also showed many signs of an ecumenical leaning in his own theology, which clearly is not purely evangelical, or anywhere close to “sinless perfection” If one is going to be so proud as to claim that, they should have a better grasp on scripture which in essence decries ecumenism. . That said, as much as we would like to blame the Wesleyan doctrine of sinless perfection, and take the blame from Tom White, I think that’s doing a grave injustice to the Truth of the Word of God. Sin lies in the heart of all of us, just waiting to burst forth if we allow it. However, I will say that I’ve never seen it to fail that inevitably error creeps in and Christians get led astray when they begin following man made doctrines and traditions of men that indeed make the Word of God of no effect. That entire system is what the Lord Jesus Christ said he hated in Rev. 2:6 “But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.” and…… “So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate.” 2:15. That is to say, the notion of man made “clergy system” ruling over laity. In this system..man made doctrine…and deeds are at the helm. But it is as JL says, their own system, and their spiritual pride keep them in at least partial darkness. That partial darkness is something to be very concerned about.

      “Take heed therefore that the light which is in you be not darkness” Luke 11:35

  8. kenzelsfire says:

    This was news to me Scarlett. Granted, I have pretty much tuned out TV.

    I did go and read about this, and it made me so sad. I don’t think I can read more. I’d forgotten that VOM was located in B-ville.

    • Scarlett says:

      This saddens me as well, for a number of reasons, but I am very opposed to hiding problems in the church that needed to be addressed and corrected rather than the secrecy that’s apparently been the policy of VOM.

  9. Scarlett says:

    Thank you for this new information. JL, about the goings on at VOM, Wesleyan University and Bartlesville. Whew! What an eye opener! If I wasn’t appalled before by what I knew about this dreadful situation, I certainly am now. Frankly, I believe there are simply too many dubious issues right in plain sight with VOM to believe this organization is anywhere close to “entire sanctification”. Rather, and even where Tom White, his sexual predilections, and subsequent suicide are concerned, it seems like a set up for cancerous type of hypocrisy to infect not only the church, but everything connected with it, including VOM. After all, how can individual Christians in various stages of spiritual growth, be expected to cope with such an elevated notion of “sanctification”. I can only imagine the hubris in some of these “pillars”; Dr. Piper for example?

    I am very well aware that there are some local Bartlesvillans who held Tom White in god like esteem. I received over 1,500 emails and comments on this blog the first day I reported on this and began calling out Tom White and VOM. Most of these were very angry and in denial that Tom White could be guilty of such a crime. There were a few however that had met Tom White and didn’t have such an exalted opinion of him. As for me, after I began doing some research, I began believing he was not the person he presented to the world.

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