Warning! The Coming Judgments Upon This Country

Brother Steven Crowder

Seeing Through The Eyes Of A Child

“On the 26th day of February in the year 2001, the Lord spoke to me and said, “Write down what I speak to you!The first of three judgments is soon to be upon this country.”

“For weeks I have been stirring your spirit and showing you things that you must tell My people.I’ve shown you My anger and my anguish over their deeds and their lives, and I’ve caused you to feel these very things in your own heart, have I not?”

And I said, “Yes, Lord.With all of my heart I know this.”

And the Lord said to me, “You must record what I’ve shown you and what I will show you, and you must share it amongst the people, even if it brings forth unbelief and dissension, and even persecution from those who call themselves your brethren”

And I said, “Lord, help me to bear this burden, for the weight of it is enormous.How great and how terrible this message is, and how will it be received?”

And the Lord said to me, “Do not concern yourself how it is received by those hearing it—only be faithful and deliver all of the words that I speak to you, and do not hold back anything I tell you—this is very important, and this you must do.”

“The first of three judgments is soon to be upon this country.With each judgment I will reveal people’s hearts and their motives, and although many will cry out to Me, few will actually repent and turn to me with all of their heart.Those who do repent will know in their hearts that it took judgment in order to bring them to repentance, this being due to the stubbornness of their hearts.”

“A strong blow will occur in the economic sector in this country, and it will cause a deterioration that will progress slowly but steadily, causing the abandonment of grandiose plans and ideas.Economic woes will pave the way to great sorrow and suffering, and as things escalate and grow worse, there will be those who will say, ‘Behold, the Great Depression has returned!What has become of our prosperity?’ Depression and sorrow are one and the same—behold, the time of sorrows that has come upon your nation.”

“I prospered the people of this country with great abundance, but what did they do with their wealth?They built monuments unto themselves, they grew fat and slothful, and they forgot the poor, and their trust increasingly grew upon their wealth, and they forgot about Me, says the Lord!They deceived themselves into thinking that it was their own righteousness that brought forth this wealth, not knowing that the seeds of their prosperity had long before been planted by their forefathers.Is it not true that first comes the planting of the seed, followed many years later by an abundance of fruit?In this people’s pride and arrogance, they have deceived themselves, and in a short time I shall strike them and take away their sustenance and all they have come to trust in, for I am the Lord, and vengeance is Mine!And when the infrastructure of this country begins to crumble, violence and turmoil will become the norm, and after a time the people will become used to it and will accept the latest strategies that will be implemented in order to try to heal this incurable affliction.”

“There are those who built great ministries and flaunted their wealth before the eyes of many, misrepresenting Christ, while at the same time claiming to be His ministers.A grand hypocrisy this is, living in such luxury as rivals the greatest kings who have ever lived, says the Lord.And O how My people love to have it so!When the economic abundance that the people have become so accustomed to begins to fade, and the propagators of such “prosperity faith” continue their efforts to milk the flock of their dwindling riches, see then how successful their “faith” messages will be.Will the people send in their money on that day to extend the life of luxury that these deceitful hirelings require?I say to you that there will be a small percentage of those whose eyes will have been opened concerning these tricks, and they will say, ‘How foolish we were to believe these tales told by those who say they represent the Lord!Forgive us for our mistakes and heal our deception O God!’And the Lord will hear their cries in that day, and He will heal them.But, the majority; the many, will continue to put their trust in these heresies, believing that God will pay them back many fold for all that they “donate” to His cause.I say to you that such giving does not emanate from a pure heart, but is done due to selfish motives.When one gives out of love, nothing is expected in return, but see how these people charge Me to return their money many times over?If your riches are your security instead of the Lord, then they have become a snare and an idol to you.Woe be unto you!Woe be unto you!”

“Your elected officials shall scramble to fix the problems in that day, yet they will only be so many fingers in a dam which is breaking, and no amount of programs will be able to mend what’s happening.The nation whose currency says, ‘In God We Trust’ has forgotten the Lord, and the majority of its officials have become corrupted!Many of your leaders use the name of the Lord as a tool, while they secretly engage in sinful, demonic behavior, thinking that the Lord does not see.But, the Lord does see, and He does not honor those who do not honor Him, nor will He honor their programs that they will attempt to implement to no avail.No government can stand when it is divided against itself, and no one can renew the blessings of God when they’re standing arm-in-arm with the devil.”

I said, “Lord, how can we as a people be so blind, and what has become of us?How can we be spared from eternal judgment?”

And the Lord said, “People do not get corrupted in a day, but through subtle deception their eyes become clouded so that they can not see and discern between good and evil.If they are not shown the error of their ways so that they can repent of this evil, then they will die in it and then have to give account for their actions on the day of accountability when they stand before Me.”

And I said, “Lord, how did this happen?”

And the Lord said, “Much of the damage has occurred through the idol you call television.At first it was innocent, with shows that promoted morals and family values, but like everything else that man can touch, it became corrupted by man’s desires, and in time it became the holding place of every foul spirit.What used to be entertainment with cowboys and horses paved the way for policemen and violence, and with each passing season the savagery grew worse, until the people became shock-proofed and addicted to this sort of blood and violence.And then it became the norm for people to see men; who were created in the image of God, cursing and killing other men—all in the name of ‘entertainment.’And as people grew more accustomed to this type of perversion, they merely passed it off as being normal—the average, routine entertainment of the day—not realizing at all what it was doing to them.This is to be compared to a rebellious child who pushes the limit of what he can get away with, until at last the outrageous becomes the acceptable—this is how the people of this country became so corrupted, until at last they call evil good and they have lost the ability to discern good from evil.It was mainly through the entertainment industry that this door was opened, allowing all of this demonic intrusion into the lives and hearts of the people.Music and television both became so corrupted that they destroyed the moral fiber of the youth, and in time those children grew up and became the adults of the next generation—a generation empty of understanding and void of moral direction—a preoccupied generation that had lost the ability to know right from wrong.And if this wasn’t enough, then came the computer, where everything can be found, although none of it is real.As if this country wasn’t already shock-proofed, easy access to computers paved the way to even greater perversions—all in the name of man’s progress.From cursing to murder to lewd acts and perversions, televisions and computers opened the door to the demonic and caused people to adulterate themselves through what they saw—all in the form of ‘entertainment.’Children need to be entertained, and it was through the door of their ‘entertainment’ that the people of this nation were adulterated with the iniquities of the world.Children—perpetual children—children who refuse to grow up and take responsibility—this is what has become of the people of this country.”

“When My judgments come, says the Lord, who will shake themselves loose from the great deception that has covered this country like a death shroud—who is it that will repent?

As I pondered this, the Lord spoke to me again, speaking of a second judgment.He said to me, “After their riches become as dust, I shall bring forth a famine so as to make their food scarce and their delicacies no more.”

And I said, “Lord, how will this affect the country, and who will be spared this judgment?”

The Lord said, “Many have lived their lives never knowing what it is to be hungry.Many have forgotten the poor and the destitute and the hungry, choosing to turn their heads away from such ones as these, and to shut out that part of the world from their eyes.In their pride, they considered themselves better than the others because of their prosperity and their lack of want.You will see how depraved these people will become when they will consider it a blessing to receive a mere one meal a day!Where will their pride be then?”

“As the economic woes worsen, great turmoil will occur overseas, and your country will be pulled into a frightening war.Because it is a fact that ‘war’ helps to revive the economy, there will be many who will rejoice because of this, saying, ‘Behold, our prosperity is soon to return!—it is worth the sacrifice of these young men and women.’But this war will be a great trap, and many men and women will leave the homeland, never to return, as the jaws of this trap will clamp down upon them without mercy.Your country has become very proud of its great technologies, and the people of your country entertained themselves by watching their televisions, viewing the wholesale slaughter meted out in your last war.Unbeknownst to you, these ‘smart weapons’ will not be so effective this time around, and when your troops walk confidently into battle they will not be prepared for what they will encounter.The tactics of the last war have deceived your people into a false sense of security, and it will be to your horror when a seemingly weaker enemy unleashes the terror that they are holding in store for your young men and women when they enter into the prepared battle grounds.”

“Although everyone will be affected by the lack of abundant food, there will be those who will have an adequate supply, those who have been wise and who have heard the voice of the Lord and who have actually done something with what He has spoken to them.These people will be blessed in that day, and their wise planning they will become a lifeline for many people to avoid starvation.These pockets of people will be few, and they will be scattered in many places, says the Lord.It will be by My assistance that these people will be blessed, and they will take no credit unto themselves for their blessings.”

“The government will attempt to remedy the problem of feeding the masses of hungry people, and their food distribution programs will at times become violent, plagued by people who know of no other way than to break in and steal that which they desire.This will pave the way for very strict regulations and the marking of people within a godless system.Although this country has always had an abundance of food and grain to send to other countries, it will be hard-pressed to feed its own people in that soon-coming day, and the famine will only grow worse and worse, with natural disasters leading to the destruction of much-hoped-for food.A once-proud nation will be brought to its knees, and people’s health will decline to proportions unheard of for this country.Many will lose hope, and few will repent and return to Me, says the Lord.”

“There will still be ministries that will attempt to pilfer the people in that day, offering promises to them and misleading many with false signs and wonders.And there will be so many in that day who will cry long and loud to be raptured out of the world and into the Paradise of God, but to no avail.It will be said to their leaders in that day, ‘How long must we suffer this affliction?’ and ‘Children of the King shouldn’t suffer like this, should they?’And many will fall away from the faith in that day, abandoning all hope and the possibility of being removed from their suffering.And I will have mercy on My people in that day, says the Lord, upon those who will face reality and who will come to Me with their broken hearts.And they shall know in that day that I am the Lord who loves them, and that they’ve been tricked and deceived by those who fashion themselves in religious garb, yet who are not truly the Lord’s shepherds.This is the second judgment that I shall pour out upon this country”

And as I sat and pondered this, the Lord brought my attention to a group of people who were standing around and talking amongst themselves.The Lord said to me, “Behold how they talk and how this sort of speech does not sit right within your spirit.”

And I said, “Lord, why is this so, and what does it mean?”

And the Lord said, “They speak as though they were babes and little children, not knowing that from the abundance of their hearts their mouths speak.They speak as babes and children because within their hearts this is who and what they really are—a generation that has refused to grow up, a generation that has deceived themselves and in turn I have deceived them.Education and wealth have no affect on peoples’ maturity, and yet they have been deceived into thinking that this is the case.People think that because a person has this much education or because they own great possessions, or because they have great charm or a golden tongue that they are somehow above others.Men see the outside and judge accordingly, but the Lord looks upon the heart.”

At these words my heart sank within me, and I wanted to turn and weep for these people.I could not speak, nor could I eat, for my heart was so heavy within me.I began to melt like wax and my strength left me.For hours I walked around in a daze, and I felt as though I had just seen all of those around me slain in an unknown way.And as I pondered this, the Lord began to speak to me again.

“Children—perpetual children, this is how I refer to this generation.They see through the eyes of a child, for this is what they wanted, and this is what I gave them over to.A child’s reality is seeing things the way they want to see them.They pretend into reality the things they wish to see, like a Christian walk without the cross and the suffering that is necessary for spiritual growth.They refuse to see the truth, for they’ve blinded themselves through their rebellion, says the Lord.Although they see reality and have heard the truth of the gospel, they choose rather; like little children, to believe something else—purposely deceiving themselves rather than having to face reality.Seeing, followed by believing, which means putting into action what they’ve seen, would prove that they are at least attempting to mature, and it is this type of religion that is pleasing to your heavenly Father.[James 1:21ff, Matthew 7:24-27]Have I not said in My Word that to those who choose to love a lie over the truth that I will give them over to believing these lies?That I will even send a deluding influence upon them so that they will believe that which is false and be judged accordingly?[2 Thessalonians 2:10,11]Do they not take the Lord at His word and believe it?”

When I heard this, I was deeply disturbed and troubled at the thought of this.“Lord, this is your wrath, and it is an awful thing to see!I always thought that the wrath of God was fire and brimstone and cataclysmic judgment, but now I see Your wrath in a much different way!I see your judgment upon people happening right now, and we don’t even see it!How do I warn them of this?”

And the Lord said to me, “You must show them all that I’ve spoken to you here, and despite whether they pay heed to you or not, you must tell them, for your Lord is merciful and full of compassion and I desire to heal their iniquity and their backsliding.I am a just and true God, and I will render unto each person accordingly.Judgment is coming upon your nation, and it is not My will that any man should perish, therefore I send My watchmen to those who call themselves My people.I send My watchmen forth with a message from the throne of the Most High God in hopes that there will be those who will listen and take to heed concerning the blindness that they’ve been given over to.It is My desire to heal them and forgive them so that I can save them.Do you not know that the Lord loves these people and that He grieves over them with great anguish?”

And I shook my head and said, “I do not understand that kind of love, Lord—it is too great for me.Forgive my shallowness and lack of understanding, please.Forgive my hardness of heart toward those who are perishing O God, and give me Your compassion, that I may speak to them from my heart and not just out of obedience”

And the Lord said, “My ways are not man’s ways.My ways are higher than man’s ways, therefore you must tell the people all that I have spoken to you, because it is for their benefit.Tell them that I love them and do not desire to lose them when I bring My judgment down upon your country.Tell them that I desire to show them the error of their ways so that they might repent and I would in turn heal them of their sins and their backsliding.Tell them that I desire to save them and to be with them in the Paradise of God, for they are My creation, made in My own image, and I My desire is that none of them would be lost.Tell them all that I have spoken to you, for this is the word of the Lord!”

“When the first two judgments come upon your country, they will drive many to their knees.There will be those who will indeed repent, but the vast majority will harden their hearts toward Me and many will curse Me in that day.And in their weakened state I shall bring forth terrors upon them such as they have never known before!This shall be the third judgment upon your country.”

“And what will this judgment be, Lord?” I asked.

“I have shown pieces of this judgment to many people over the years, the signs of terror that will come upon America at the time of her end.Mists, vapors, powders and stars falling from the heavens upon her cities, pestilence and foreign troops and terror of every conceivable fashion shall come upon her when the third wave of judgment passes over her.Imprisonment andmartyrdom shall be the norm in that day, and many will flee for their lives in order to escape the terrors that await the living.The great cataclysmic judgments that men have seen and written about shall all descend upon her during her final days, and the government will be powerless to do anything to stop them, says the Lord.The economy will no longer be an issue in that day, as there will be nothing left to buy and sell, and America as a nation will be in ruins, never to rise up again.Her soldiers will have been spread out in every direction upon the globe, tending to the various duties abroad, and they will never see their homeland again.So sobering will things be at that time that no one will be preaching the gospel for money, and those who would attempt to do so will be captured and killed.And for this reason, many will abandon Me in that day, denying Me before men in their attempt to merely live one more day.And the word ‘Rapture’ will be forgotten in that day, and the people will know that they’ve been taught wrongly concerning this doctrine.”

“But, I will have a people, says the Lord—a people who will walk through this coming fire, a people who will miraculously survive, despite all of the odds which will be stacked up against them.This will be due to My divine protection upon them, the sealing of these servants by My angels as is written in My Word.”[Revelation 7, Ezekiel 9]

“Have I not shown Myself to be faithful in protecting My people in days past? says the Lord.Have you not read in My Word how I spared Daniel in the lion’s den, how I kept the three young men in the furnace of fire, how I kept My people when I struck their oppressors?And do you still not believe that I will spare My people even when judgments are falling all around them?”

“Ten times did I strike the oppressors of My people, declares the Lord, and each time that judgment fell upon them, My people were kept safe from harm.Ten times did I strike them—with boils and with blood and darkness, with hail and locusts and frogs and swarms of insects, and I struck their cattle and their firstborn.And did I not spare My own in that day?When the judgments fell upon the Egyptians, were not My own people exempt? says the Lord.And when I parted the Red Sea and made safe passage for My people, what did the oppressors of My people do?They sought to destroy My people, using the same miraculous passage that I had provided for them.And did I not destroy them all because of this? says the Lord.And so shall it be now, as you will see many who are soon to be plagued, and few who will be spared.And let it be known beforehand that there will be a definite distinction between those whom the Lord spares and those who He does not spare, for the Lord knows those who are truly His and He will make it well-known before men in that day.Many are called, and yet few are chosen, and is it not written that at the time of the end that the love of the many shall grow cold? [Matthew 24:12]Therefore, know beforehand that he Lord will make a definite distinction, which will be visible to all in that day concerning those who are truly His people and those who are not.It is when the many seek to pillage and destroy those whom I have protected so that they might live—when they seek to devour that which I have spared, then you shall see Mine hand strike without mercy, and many shall be the slain in that day.”

“And just who are the oppressors of My people? you would ask.Are they not children[Isaiah 3:12]—those who refuse to grow up and face the responsibility of maturing and growing up? says the Lord.

“Tell the people of this coming terror” the Lord said to me.“Tell them that I love them and I am heartbroken over the things I see being committed in My name.Tell them that if they desire to remain as children and to deceive themselves into believing only what they want to believe, then I have no other option but to give them over to these lies, and that it will cost them everything! says the Lord.Tell them that if they continue to see as through the eyes of a child that they will never mature into that which I would desire of them, and that in the end I will indeed label them as children—children of disobedience, whom I take no pleasure in.”

“The United States of America has become a nation of children, a nation that thrives upon watching boys grow up to play boys’ games—giving great honor, prestige and riches to those who refuse to grow up, to those who choose youth over wisdom and maturity.And so much time and money and effort is put into the vanity of looking young and not having to face the reality of growing old!It is time to put away your vanity, My people—it is time to humble yourselves and to be done with it. It is time to grow up My people!Do you think that I will warn you of this many more times before it’s too late to escape the coming terror upon your country?This is the word of the Lord!”

There are those who have asked me, “When do you think that this economic crisis is going to begin?”All I can tell them what the Lord told me concerning this.In June of 2000 the Lord spoke to me and said, “On the sixth day of the sixth month of the new millennium, the evil powers in charge have an evil plan devised.”The Lord did not tell me what this evil plan was, nor what it pertained to, but it seemed to point to a judgment upon the American economy.

He also told me that we’re to watch the country’s reaction to the execution of Timothy McVeigh—especially the reaction in Oklahoma City where the bombing took place.He is scheduled to die in May of 2001, and if the people rejoice over his death I feel that this will be a sign that our nation is about to fall under the judgment of God.I cannot with surety say “thus saith the Lord” concerning that, but I have a very strong feeling about it.I was led to move to Oklahoma three weeks before the bombing occurred, and below you will read what the Lord showed me concerning the bombing and the court’s verdict upon Mr. McVeigh.I felt that the Lord was telling me recently that because people in this country have refused His meat and chose instead to live on milk, that He will one day not far hence bring a plague upon our livestock, taking away the abundance of meat and milk that we’ve become so used to—and this will have a devastating affect upon our economy.

I know that there have been many “date setters” that have come up short on their “predictions,” and it’s not my desire to be one of them.Predictions come from men, whereas prophecy comes from the Lord.If these words are truly of the Lord, then they will come to pass, and if they are only vain imaginings from my carnal mind, then they will not come to pass.I ask each of you be the judge of this.Please read about what the Lord says concerning the Oklahoma City bombing and how it affects us as a nation.

The bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995 made national headlines for weeks.Anyone who turned on the TV during that time saw the continual news reports on the bombing.Across the screen would flash the central theme, “Terror in the Heartland.”The Lord told me to watch what happened after this was all over, for a sign would be shown that would expose the heart of something concerning the whole nation.After a period of time, the bombing became old news, and then there was the trial which was held in Denver.When the verdict was about to be read, the Lord reminded me again to pay attention, for it would be a sign that would show the heart of something concerning the whole country.I asked the Lord, “What do I do?”and He replied that I needed to buy a newspaper and that I would find the answer in it.As you well know, the jury found Mr. McVeigh guilty, and sentenced him to die by lethal injection.The day after the death penalty was handed down, the answer came.In Oklahoma City, the people rejoiced over the sentence, and the newspaper stated that “The churches were ringing their bells every half hour, rejoicing.”The churches in the heartland were rejoicing when they saw their enemy judged, and in doing so they set themselves up to receive their own judgment at the hand of the Lord.”

The Word of God says:

“Rejoice not when your enemy falls, and let not your heart be glad when he stumbles or is overthrown; lest the Lord see it, and it be evil in His eyes and displease Him, and He turn away His wrath from him [to expend it upon you, the worse offender].” PROVERBS 24:17,18 Amplified Version

2 comments on “Warning! The Coming Judgments Upon This Country

  1. See “In That Day Teachings” for material somewhat synchronous with Steven Crowder?

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